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TOAD - 1) a woman of easy virtue; 2) a prostitute; 3) a greedy person; 4) Criminal Investigation Inspector, detective; 5) a summer dance floor where pickpockets are operating
GRAINS - throat, chest, ribs
TOADS - 1) money; 2) escorts
ZHAVER - male
Regret - mate
The sting - 1) language; 2) a device for tattooing; 3) stylet; 4) a pocket pickpocket; 5) syringe needle
It is a pity to leave, and poison remove - to neutralize a dangerous person
COMPLAINT - 1) grief, mourning; 2) regret, remorse
BLINDS OPEN - start giving true testimony
ZhAMACHI - gingerbread
HEAT - 1) stalemate; 2) rush work; 3) difficult dispute
ZHARGON - station
Fried - a dark man
Fry - make intercourse
HOT - passionate woman
FRYING (WAITING, RETAINING, READING, WASHING UP) - to hide from the accomplices the stolen or part of it, to cheat at sharing
PRAY - refuse to engage in sexual intercourse
WAX - hit, hit
ZhBAN - 1) head; 2) Ingof tube
HITCHING - a brave, brave man
SAME - go!
JAVANINA - food, food
JAVATINA - food, sausage
Jellies - jaws, mouth
ЖЕК, ЖЕКА - knife
IRON - 1) railway; 2) gun
RAILS - orders, medals
IRON! - agreed to be done!
IRON NOSE - 1) a person convicted of a crime against managerial practices; 2) colony educator
IRON FRAER - tractor
JAWNESS - gold, gold products
YELLOW - Chinese
WIFE - 1) pillow; 2) passive homosexual
Married dude - anasha mixed with tobacco
Marry - 1) cheat; 2) dilute vodka or beer with water
GIRLS - 1) passenger - the object of theft; 2) a pickpocket; 3) the victim
Women's Monastery
WOMAN - Mattress
VICTIM OF ABORT - 1) mentally ill person; 2) a person with congenital defects
ZHEDYANKA - railway
ЖЖЕНКА - 1) homemade rubber paint for tattooing; 2) burned sugar
SWALLOWARD - minetchitsa
ZhIVODER - prison doctor, surgeon
LIVE PRODUCT - prostitute
ANIMAL - a person extorting things from another convict
ZHIGAN - 1) a homeless child; 2) Recurrent thief
TO BUY - dress well
GID - smart, quick-witted convict
LIQUID DOLLAR - half a liter of vodka
VEST - fixture on the ring for cutting pockets
REMAIN - take something from another person by force
ZHITUHA - life
LIVING A POSITIONAL - to be in authority among convicts
LIVE UNDER CONCEPTS - to comply with the requirements of the thieves' law
STYLING - live
ZHLOB - an avid, strong, healthy person
ZHLOBNIK - envier
LITTER - buttock (homosexual jargon)
PRESS - get out of here, take something
SHOCK - rob
ZHMOT (ZhMUDIK) - a mean, greedy man
Zhmur (Zhmurik) - a corpse, a dead man
SLEEPING LABAT - play in the orchestra at the funeral
MILOR - morgue
ZHOKEY - active homosexual
ZHOPNIK - back pocket of trousers
ZHORIK - convict of youth age, young man
JOSIA - passive homosexual
JOH - 1) a desperate person; 2) reliable; 3) fraudster
EAT - eat, eat
Zhuy - oatmeal
Zhuy-pluy - oatmeal on water
BEETLE - 1) a person who knows a lot about the criminal world; 2) (abbr. Tattoos) I wish you a successful theft
Spin - 1) pick up, steal something; 2) hide, hide
SHOCK - 1) pickpocket; 2) small sharp knife for cutting pockets outside
To cheat - to deceive
SHOULDER - thief, the person involved in the theft
CRANGE - 1) a civilian employee of the Investigation Unit, delivering prohibited items to the zone; 2) friend, comrade
GET WRONG - catch up on fear
DREAM - cheat, deceive
DRINK - steal, pick up something
BUG - woman thief
SCOOK - learn to steal
ZHUCHOK - 1) a cunning man; 2) security alarm; 3) teenager thief
RIDING - "thieves in law", serious criminals


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology