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Chapter IV Criminal subculture as a mechanism for the reproduction of juvenile group crime 1. Essence and empirical features of the criminal subculture


The essence of the criminal subculture. The main factor of mutual criminalization in the criminal groups of minors is the criminal subculture. Other terms are also used to designate it: “second life”, “social negative group phenomena”, “asocial subculture” 1.
It is believed that at first the criminal subculture arose in closed educational and correctional institutions, and then spread beyond them, capturing a significant part of the adolescent and youth population, primarily difficult and pedagogically neglected adolescents. The criminal subculture blocks or distorts the educational influence of teachers on a student, destroys intra-collective relations, replacing collectivist relations with mutual responsibility, collectivism with cronyism, and partnership with a false partner, justifies and encourages criminal behavior and a criminal way of life.
Criminal subculture, like any culture, is aggressive in its essence. She invades the official culture, hacking it, devaluing its values ​​and norms, implanting its own rules and attributes in it. It is known that the carrier of culture is language. Take our "great and mighty Russian language." To date, he has been completely permeated with the terminology of criminal jargon, which is readily spoken by both teenagers and representatives of the government, deputies of the State Duma. But the loss of the purity of the national language is the most serious symptom of the growth of the process of deep criminality.

1 Pirozhkov V.F. The laws of the underworld of youth. Criminal subculture. M., 1992; his own Criminal subculture of students - teenagers and young men. The thesis in the form of a scientific report on the competition. the degree of doctor of psychol. sciences. M .: MPGU them. V.Lenina, 1992; his own Prevention and overcoming of socially negative phenomena among students of special vocational schools. M., 1988; his own Characteristic of an asocial subculture of the communities of minors: Collection of scientific papers "Psychological problems of preventing pedagogical neglect and juvenile delinquency *. Voronezh. Ed. VGPI, 1982. Podugretsky A. Specified work.

lizatsii society. It is particularly important to emphasize that this criminalization primarily affects the younger generation as the most criminally active part of society and the most sensitive in its age features to language innovations.
The carriers of the criminal subculture are criminal groups, and personally - repeat offenders. They accumulate, having passed through prisons and colonies, a steady criminal experience, "thieves laws", and then pass it on to the younger generation. And here we can talk about the three psychological mechanisms of the reproduction of juvenile delinquency1. The first is personalized (which was discussed in topic 1) when the repeat offender from among the adults takes “patronage”, “mentoring” over a particular teenager, introducing him to the “laws” of the criminal world. The second mechanism is through the criminalization of the entire population, introducing it to the criminal language, teaching them to think in criminal categories. The third psychological mechanism, through the criminal group, which the criminal subculture cements with its norms and values, contributes to its long existence. These groups become schools for the initial training of young criminals, schools for improving criminal "skill" and the recidivists themselves, and bearers of the traditions of the criminal lifestyle. Since criminal groups throughout the country and with foreign countries are connected by numerous channels ("roads", "tracks"), this contributes to the universalization, typing of the norms and values ​​of the criminal subculture, the speed of its spread. Of course, it is possible to single out the fourth psychological mechanism for the reproduction of juvenile crime, when the leaders of organized crime specifically select talented teenagers and prepare militants, bodyguards, and future leaders of the underworld from them at various bases.
The criminal subculture is understood as the totality of spiritual and material values ​​that regulate and organize the life and criminal activity of criminal communities, which contributes to their viability, cohesion, criminal activity and mobility, continuity of the offenders' generations. The basis of the criminal subculture is
See: VF Pirozhkov On the psychological causes of the reproduction of juvenile delinquency // Psychological Journal, 1995, vol. 16, No. 2, p. 178-182.
alien to civil society values, norms, traditions, various rituals of young criminals united in groups. The age and other social and group characteristics of minors are reflected in them in a distorted and perverted form. Its social harm lies in the fact that it socializes a person ugly, stimulates the development of the age opposition into a criminal one, and that is why it is a mechanism for the “reproduction” of crime in the youth environment1.
The criminal subculture differs from the usual adolescent and youth subculture in the criminal content of the rules governing the relationships and behavior of group members among themselves and with outsiders for the group (with “strangers”, law enforcement officials, the public, adults, etc.). She directly, directly and rigidly regulates the criminal activity of minors and their criminal lifestyle, introducing a certain "order" into them. It clearly traced:
1) sharply expressed hostility towards generally accepted norms and its criminal content;
2) internal communication with criminal traditions;
3) stealth from the uninitiated;
4) the presence of a whole set (system) of attributes strictly regulated in the group consciousness.
The following features are inherent in the juvenile crime subculture:
1) the violation of the rights of the individual, expressed in an aggressive, cruel and cynical attitude towards the "alien", the weak and defenseless;
2) the lack of a sense of compassion for people, including "their";
3) dishonesty and duplicity in relation to "strangers";
4) parasitism, the exploitation of the "bottom", the mockery of them;
5) the devaluation of the results of human labor, expressed in vandalism;
6) disrespect for the rights of owners, expressed in thefts and thefts;
1 Pirozhkov V.F. Psychological basis of re-education of students of special vocational schools. M., 1988, Ch. VIII; Kondratyev M.Yu. A teenager in the system of interpersonal relations of a closed educational institution. M. Ed. Federal Institute of Sociology of Education. 1994, p. 29-71.

7) the promotion of cynical attitudes towards women and sexual promiscuity;
8) encouragement of base instincts and any forms of antisocial behavior.
The attractiveness of the criminal subculture for minors.
Criminal subculture, the values ​​of which are formed by the criminal world with maximum consideration for the age characteristics of minors, is attractive to teenagers and young men:
1) the presence of a wide field of activity and opportunities for self-affirmation and compensation for failures that have befallen them in society;
2) the process of criminal activity, including risk, extreme situations and painted with a touch of false romance, mystery and singularity;
3) removal of all moral restrictions;
4) the absence of prohibitions on any information and, above all, on intimate;
5) taking into account the state of age loneliness experienced by the adolescent, and providing him in "his" group with moral, physical, material and psychological protection from outside aggression1.
The values ​​of the criminal subculture quickly spread among young people, since adolescents and young men are passionate about its visually striking attributes and symbolism, emotional intensity of norms, rules, rituals. The criminal groups of adolescents and young men, bound by their mutual responsibility and cruel rules, seek to keep the life of their communities secret from outsiders. Therefore, the methods of direct socio-psychological study of these groups and their subcultures (such as sociometry, referentometry, polls) are not always correct, because the research is often retrospective when the group is isolated and subjected to pressure from the investigators and cellmates. To compensate for these shortcomings, a technique of spatial sign sociometry was developed.
1 Read more about the attractiveness of the criminal subculture for adolescents, see: VF Pirozhkov. On the psychological causes of the reproduction of juvenile delinquency // Psychological Journal. 1995, t. 16, No. 2; his own Criminal subculture: psychological interpretation of functions, content, attributes // Psychological journal. 1994, t. 15, № 2.

Well-known sociometric techniques among minors and young criminals do not reflect an objective picture of intragroup relations. Distortion occurs for specific reasons.
1. Researchers find it difficult to choose effective criteria, because, connected by mutual responsibility and various attributes of the criminal environment, its norms and values, criminal groups do not allow the penetration of “aliens” into the laws and rules of internal relations.
2. Sociometric measurements are carried out most often at a time when the criminal group is already isolated by law enforcement agencies. In this case, a retrospective sociometric survey has no predictive value.
3. Deprivation of liberty and other legal restrictions are such a powerful stressful factor that knocks a person out of his usual rut, without giving him any real prospects (a situation of frustration arises).
4. Juveniles and young offenders are often prone to flaunt their criminal adventures, the special role that they allegedly played in a criminal group. This can be seen as an act of despair in a state of frustration.
5. Group members often seek to enter the game with the researcher, defining their goals in it. Therefore, the researcher does not measure the objective state of the relationship, but what the subjects are imposing on him.
6. Sociometric measurements are also distorted because in the criminal environment there is a persistent reciprocal rejection by members of one group of adolescents and young men from another group if these groups are in hostile relations.
Researchers can propose a method of spatial-sign sociometry, which is free from the listed disadvantages, which is a development of spatial sociometry previously proposed by us. It is based on the fact of stratification existing in the criminal environment (the distribution of group members on the social hierarchy) and the maintenance of strict subordination in their relations in accordance with their position, role and function in the group.
In contrast to groups of law-abiding teenagers and young men, in criminal groups social and psychological stratification is reinforced by social stigmatization (social branding). This means that the status, role and function of an individual in a group are reflected in signs, material attributes and ways of placing a minor in the space occupied by a criminal group. Thus, in criminal communities there are certain “insignia”, “reading” which can be precisely defined, “who is who”. The means of social stigmatization ("signs of distinction") in criminal groups of minors and young people are:
a) tattoos, which with the help of inscriptions, drawings, conventional signs, abbreviations reflect the experience of a minor and a young man in criminal activity, the degree of his authority in the criminal environment, his claims and expectations;
b) the nicknames, according to the degree of harmoniousness (cacophony), elevation (offensiveness) of which can be judged on the position of the individual in the group hierarchy. The more harmonious the nickname, the higher the position of the individual in the criminal community;
c) the system of material attributes, which include wearing clothes and shoes, personal belongings, food, etc. The most fashionable clothes should be at the leader of the group. If he does not have it, then any member of the group must cede it (give "vilify", of course, without return). No one has the right to smoke more fashionable cigarettes than the leader. The leader is the first to receive food in the canteen of a closed educational or correctional institution, then his entourage. Outcasts and outcasts ("pigs", "offended") get food in the least;
d) placement of a minor in the space occupied by a criminal group. Certain points of space occupied by a group (bedroom, dining room, club, etc.) have different values. A window seat, not a walk-through, warm, well ventilated and lighted is valued higher than the passage at the aisle, at the front door. Knowing the social and group value of each point in a group’s space and the position of the individual in it, one can reliably determine its status and role in the criminal group. The leader will not occupy the bed near the entrance door of the sleeping room, and especially near the toilet bowl in the chamber. There should be a teenager from the "bottom", even if the room has free beds in more convenient places. In the club and the dining room, the most convenient places again occupy the "tops" of the informal structure. In the class "leader" does not sit at the entrance or near the teacher. (We note, by the way, that mafia leaders, for example, in Moscow, spend the evening in their own restaurants rated by them, not allowing small criminal arms to go there with the help of bodyguards. Knowing the prestige of restaurants in the city, you can determine the mafia’s prestige leaders in the underworld.)
In spatial sign sociometry in qualities; The criteria are not questions that are usually asked to be interviewed, but ready-made answers like the signs of military differences are read. The task of the researcher is to correctly “read”?: These “insignia” and, on their basis, draw up a sociogram of the criminal group under study.
Social stigma is also reflected in the movement of the minor and the young offender along the ladder of the group hierarchy. If the offender has several nicknames, it is enough to determine the sequence of their assignment, as will become clear: the authority of the adolescent in the group rises or falls. If less euphonious nicknames are replaced by more euphonious, increasing ones, this means an increase in the role of the given individual, strengthening its status in the group. The replacement of the melodic nickname offensive and humiliating indicates a decrease in the sociometric status of the individual in the group. If a minor or young offender was previously located next to the leader in the bedroom, dining room, training class, and then found himself in a spatial distance from him, this means that he had lost his previous position, a decrease in his sociometric status (ie, he was "lowered").
The sociometric matrix in spatial-sign sociometry is constructed taking into account all sociometric criteria (“signs of distinction”) and their comparison. In order to determine mutual choice and mutual rejection, it is necessary to establish: who gave the adolescent or young man a harmonious nickname, and who humiliating or inflicted an offensive tattoo. Having received this information, it can be argued that in the first case we have a positive choice, in the second - mutual rejection.
Sociogram in space-sign sociometry is drawn based on the actual placement of members of the criminal group in space. Let us give an example of placing two warring groups in a sleeping room (see Table 3.1.).

Table 4.1. Sociology of a criminal group
Main criteria Surnames of group members
Amples Bob cove Ravens Green


To-new Ivanov Kozyr ev
Space in a group
I) prestigious and comfortable X X
2) neutral X X
3) not prestigious and not comfortable X X X
Degree of distance from the leader
I) next to him X X
2) at some distance X X X
3) completely removed X X
Characteristics of tattoos available

1) regalki X X
2) portals X X X X
3) hankers X
Characteristics of nicknames
1) elevating X X X
2) neutral X X
3) humiliating


Sexual privileges

1) uses the girl "lichnukha" X

2) uses the general "swotting"



3) no sexual privileges


Food order

I) first X

2) with all



3) last but not least


The sequence of washing in the bath

1) first X

2) with all



3) last but not least


Participation in housekeeping

Main criteria Surnames of members of pptgpy
Amples Bob cove Ravens Green


Donov Ivanov Kozyr ev
U not involved X

1 2) participates with everyone



3) performs work for others


Use of "common cashier"

1) large loans, at a small percentage and for a long term X

: '' i medium and small (courts for big pro-yeng and for a short period


X x X


3) no loan is granted X

Криминальная субкультура, представляя собой целостную культуру преступного мира, с ростом преступности все более расслаивается на ряд подсистем (субкульгура "воровская", тюремная, рэкетиров, проституток, мошенников, фарцовщиков, теневиков и др.), противостоящих официальной культуре. Подростково-юношеская криминальная субкультура - одна из самостоятельных подсистем, тесно связанных с другими подсистемами субкультуры уголовного мира.
Однако степень сформированное(tm) криминальной субкультуры, ее влияние на личность и группу бывают различнкши. Сна может встречаться в виде отдельных, не связанных дру! с лоугом элементов; может получать определенное оформление |'е:: "законы" играют существенную роль в регуляции поведения личности и группы); наконец, она может доминировать в данном заведении (микрорайоне, населенном пункте), полностью подчиняя своему влиянию как криминогенный контингент, так и законопослушных подростков и юношей.
Эмпирические признаки криминальной субкультуры. Для определения эмпирических признаков (критериев) степени сформированное и действенности криминальной субкультуры в молодежной среде учебного заведения, исправительного заведения, населенном пункте (микрорайоне) был использован метод экспертных оценок. Экспертами выступали опытные начальники ИК и их заместители, директора спецшкол, исправительных учреждений и их заместители, работники инспекций по делам несовершеннолетних, уголовного розыска. По их оценкам, признаки проявления криминальной субкультуры во всех названных местах сходны, что позволяет использовать их в психодиагностических целях.
Все критерии, названные экспертами, были сведены в следующие классификационные группы1:
1. Признаки, характеризующие межгрупповые отношения и групповую иерархию.
1.1. Наличие в учреждении (населенном пункте, микрорайоне) враждующих между собой группировок и конфликтов между ними.
1.2. Жесткая групповая стратификация с делением людей на "чужих" и "своих", а "своих" - на касты.
1.3. Наличие многообразных привилегий для "элиты" и различных табу.
1.4. Распространенность ритуалов "прописки" новичков. 2. Признаки, характеризующие отношение к слабым, "низам" и "отверженным".
2.1. Факт появления "отверженных" ("неприкасаемых").
2.2. Клеймение вещей и предметов, которыми должны пользоваться только "неприкасаемые".

2.3. Подверженность "низов" поборам и вымогательству.
2.4. Распространенность специальных способов снижения статуса: мужеложства, "вафлерства", "парафина", стирки носков
and etc.
2.5.The prevalence of the simulation of disease and self-harm among the "lower classes".
3. Signs characterizing the attitude to the regime and educational work.
3.1.Group violations of the regime of institutions and group
3.2. Group shoots, leaving home, vagrancy.
3.3. Evasion "authorities" from the "dirty work".
3.4. Evasion of training sessions, meetings, educational activities.
3.5. Refusal to work in an official asset or double-dealing.
3.6. The manifestation of acts of vandalism.
1 Pirozhkov V.F. Criminal subculture of students - teenagers and young men. The thesis in the form of a scientific report on the competition. academic degree of doctor of psychological sciences. M .: MPGU them. V.Lenin, 1992, sec. one.

4. Signs characterizing the ways of spending free time.
4.1. The prevalence of gambling.
4.2. Распространенность тюремных способов проведения досуга, тюремной лирики и тюремных поделок.
4.3. Групповое употребление токсических и наркотических веществ, распространенность чифироварения.
5. Признаки, характеризующие способы общения, опознания и связи.
5.1. Распространенность кличек как средства стигматизации.
5.2. Распространенность татуировок как знаковой системы общения, опознания "своих" и стигматизации.
5.3. Распространенность уголовного жаргона и других способов общения, принятых в уголовной среде.
В практических целях, чтобы правильно и объективно поставить "диагноз" подростково-юношеской среде, важно придерживаться следующих правил пользования указанными критериями. Во-первых, в целях достоверности все эти критерии нужно использовать в системе. Во-вторых, поскольку ряд внешне сходных признаков присущ вообще молодежной субкультуре, чтобы не спутать эти возрастные проявления с криминальной субкультурой, необходимо глубоко изучать каждый критерий в отдельности. В-третьих, каждый факт, внешне схожий с проявлениями криминальной субкультуры, следует многократно перепроверять. В-четвертых, особое внимание следует обратить на:
1) появление враждующих между собой групп несовершеннолетних, ведущих борьбу за господство на определенной территории или в определенном учебном заведении;
2) особое деление людей на иерархические группы ("дедовщина"): старичков, новичков, вожаков, низов и т.д.;
3) социальное клеймение в соответствии с принадлежностью к той или иной иерархической группе (с помощью кличек и татуировок);
4) сложившуюся систему изощренных издевательств над слабыми и беззащитными;
5) особую систему установления межличностных отношений и определения статуса личности ("прописка", "братание на крови", "братание на корюшке" и др.);
6) свой язык - смесь молодежного сленга с уголовным жаргоном.
В итоге из 21 выявленного критерия у двух групп экспертов по 9 позициям (1.2; 1.3; 3.3; 3.5; 3.6; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 5.1) оценки совпадают или близки. Выявлены и наиболее информативные критерии: 1.1; 1.4; 2.1; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 4.5; 5.1; 5.2. Исходя из проанализированных критериев, можно дать качественную характеристику современной подростково-юношеской групповой преступности и соответствующей ей субкультуре, а также проследить их динамику.
Вместе с тем выявленные критерии позволяют педагогам, руководителям учреждений:
1) квалифицированно и объективно оценивать криминальную обстановку в своем учреждении (населенном пункте, микрорайоне) в молодежной среде;
2) прогнозировать ее развитие и поведение подростково-юношеских групп;
3) выбирать адекватные методы профилактики криминальной субкультуры и борьбы с ее проявлениями.
При этом следует учитывать, что преступный мир в своем развитии максимально учитывает социальные процессы в обществе, исходя из этого и определяет стратегию и тактику воздействия на подрастающее поколение. Подросткам и юношам навязываются такие стандарты поведения, которые выгодны преступному миру: вседозволенность, жестокость по отношению к "чужим", проповедь быстрого обогащения и т.п. Всему этому необходимо вовремя и умело противодействовать, формируя одобряемую обществом социально полезную молодежную субкультуру.


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology