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1.10. The advent of computers and computer technology


For centuries, people have been trying to create various adaptations to facilitate calculations. In the history of the development of computers and computer technologies are several important events that have become decisive in the further evolution.

In the 40s. XVII century. B. Pascal invented a mechanical device with which it was possible to perform the addition of numbers.

At the end of the XVIII century. G. Leibniz created a mechanical device designed to add and multiply numbers.

In 1946, the first universal computers were invented. American scientists J. von Neumann, G. Goldstein and A. Bern published a paper in which they presented the basic principles of creating a universal computer. Since the late 1940s. The first prototypes of such machines, conventionally called first-generation computers, began to appear. These computers were made on electronic tubes and lagged behind modern calculators in performance.

In the further development of computers, the following stages are distinguished:

• the second generation of computers - the invention of transistors;

• the third generation of computers - the creation of integrated circuits;

• the fourth generation of computers - the emergence of microprocessors (1971).

The first microprocessors were manufactured by Intel, which led to the emergence of a new generation of PCs. Due to the widespread public interest in such computers, IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) has developed a new project to create them, and Microsoft has developed software for this computer. The project ended in August 1981, and the new PC became known as the IBM PC.

The developed computer model became very popular and quickly drove out of the market all previous models of IBM in the next few years. With the invention of the IBM PC computer, the release of standard IBM PC-compatible computers began, which constitute a large part of the modern PC market.

In addition to IBM PC-compatible computers, there are other types of computers designed to solve problems of different complexity in various spheres of human activity.


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Terms: Informatics