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4.12. Linux operating system


Linux is based on the project of L. Torvald, a student of the University of Helsinki, which uses the Minix program. L. Torvald developed an efficient PC version of UNIX for Minix users and named it Linux. In 1999, he released Linux version 0.11, which instantly spread over the Internet. In subsequent years, this OS was further developed by other programmers who put into it the features and features inherent in standard UNIX systems. After a while, Linux became one of the most popular UNIX projects at the end of the 20th century.

The main advantage of the Linux OS is that it can be used on computers of any configuration - from desktop to powerful multiprocessor servers. This system is able to perform many of the functions that are traditional for DOS and Windows, for example, file management, program management, user interaction, and others. The Linux system is particularly powerful and flexible, making available to the computer the speed and efficiency of UNIX, while using all advantages of modern PCs. At the same time, Linux (like all versions of UNIX) is a multi-user and multi-tasking OS.

The Linux operating system has become available to everyone, as it is a non-commercial project and, unlike UNIX, is distributed among users for free as part of the Free Software Foundation. For this reason, this OS is often not considered professional. In fact, it can be described as a desktop version of a professional UNIX OS. The advantage of OS UNIX is that its development and subsequent development took place simultaneously with the revolution in the field of computer technology and communications, which has been going on for several decades. On the basis of UNIX, completely new technologies were created. By itself, the UNIX operating system is designed so that it can be modified, while receiving different versions. Therefore, there are many different official versions of UNIX, as well as versions that correspond to specific tasks. Developed in this context, Linux can be considered as another version of UNIX, which is designed specifically for PCs.

The Linux operating system has several editions, since each manufacturer manufactures the system and its software in its own way, releasing a package with its own edition of this system after that. At the same time, various editions may include modified versions of programs and new software.


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