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7.7. Organizers


The program-organizer is designed to ensure effective planning of the time of a business person. It is used both in offline mode and in sharing mode.

This program allows you to store, plan and manage information about events, meetings, meetings, tasks and contacts.

An event is an event that occurs in a time interval of a day or more, for example, a birthday.

A meeting is an event for which time is reserved, but resources and persons are not assigned, for example, a conversation, a lecture, etc. Meetings can be one-time or recurring.

A meeting is a meeting for which resources are assigned and people are invited, for example, a meeting.

A task is a set of necessary requirements that should be fulfilled.

A contact is an organization or person with whom you are in contact. Typically, the contactors store information, which may include the job title, postal address, telephone number, etc.

The program has the ability to use notes and diaries. Notes is the electronic equivalent of a loose-leaf notebook. The diary is a means of storing important documents, taking into account various actions and events.

When planning, the schedule records an indication of the notification of each of the specific events, and this allows not to forget about an important event. Information about contact persons can be easily found, read and updated in the organizer; here is stored the information that is used to generate an electronic address of any type. Microsoft Outlook is a convenient tool for working with e-mail. The user of this program in the collective mode provides access to someone else's schedule for scheduling meetings and meetings.

There are the following types and modes of operation:

with mail folders, which include folders for incoming, outgoing, sent and deleted messages;

calendar in the most user-friendly view. For example, inspect the schedule of scheduled cases, meetings and events, plan your own schedule;

address information about any physical and legal person;

• a diary that automatically lists information about contacts, meetings, assignments, open files, etc .;

notes to remind you of things going on;

use as a conductor.

To launch Microsoft Outlook, you can use one of two available methods: click on the Start button, select Programs, and then Microsoft Outlook, or use the Microsoft Outlook button on the MS Office panel.

The Microsoft Outlook window is divided into two parts by a vertical bar. The Microsoft Outlook panel on the left contains the icons of the program elements: Diary, Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks. To the right is the workspace, the contents of which change when you click on one of the icons on the left. When scrolling the left area, you can see other icons. In order to select the inbox on the screen, you need to click on the Mail icon. When you click on the Other folders icon, you can see the contents of the folders in the hard disk file structure.

You can hide the Outlook panel by clicking on it with the right mouse button and selecting the command *** in the Hide menu of the Outlook panel from the context menu. To navigate between Outlook items, click the arrow to the right of the folder name and select the required Outlook item from the list. In addition, you can sequentially navigate between elements using the Back and Next buttons on the toolbar.


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