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6.8. World Wide Web, or WORLD WIDE WEB


WWW features provide access to almost all the resources of most of the world's major libraries, museum collections, musical works, legislative and government decrees, reference books and operational collections on any topic, analytical reviews. The WWW system has now become an intermediary and provides for the conclusion of contracts, the purchase of goods and payments for them, booking of tickets for transport, selection and ordering of excursion routes, etc. In addition, it conducts an opinion poll, interactive debates with cultural figures politicians and merchants. Usually, any reputable company has its own WWW page. Creating such a page is completely accessible to every Internet user.

With the help of WWW tools, interaction between distributed networks, including between financial companies' networks, is provided.

The features of the WWW include:

hypertext organization of information elements, which are WWW pages;

• the potential for the inclusion in the WWW pages of modern multimedia and other means of artistic design of the pages, unlimited possibilities for placing information on the screen;

• the possibility of placing on the site the owner of various information;

• the existence of free, good and simple software that allows a non-professional user not only to view, but also to create WWW-pages;

• the presence among the software of good search engines, allowing you to quickly find the necessary information. The existence of convenient means of memorizing the addresses of placing the necessary information, as well as its subsequent instantaneous reproduction if necessary;

• the ability to quickly move back - forward through the already viewed pages;

• the existence of means of ensuring the reliability and confidentiality of information exchange.

Effective and easy work with the WWW ensures the availability of search systems for the required information. For any kind of resources on the Internet, there are their own search engines, and the work of search engines in the WWW is based on keyword searches. For this purpose, it is possible to specify various masks or patterns and logical search functions, for example:

search for documents that contain any of the specified keywords or phrases;

search for documents that include several keywords or phrases.

All search tools can be divided into the following groups according to the method of organizing the search and the provided opportunities: catalogs and specialized databases, search and metasearch systems.

Catalogs on the WWW are similar in structure to systematic library catalogs. The first page of the catalog contains links to major topics, such as Culture and Art, Medicine and Health, Society and Politics, Business and Economy, Entertainment, etc. In case the link is activated, a page opens with links detailing the topic chosen.

Search tools (search engines, search robots) enable the user to formulate requirements for the information he needs according to established rules. After that, the search engine automatically scans the documents on its controlled sites and selects those that meet the requirements put forward by the user. The result of the search may be the creation of one or more pages containing links to documents relevant to the request. If the search result led to the selection of a large number of documents, you can refine the query and repeat the search in accordance with it, but among the selected pages.


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