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1.11. The evolution of personal computers


The development of microelectronics has led to the emergence of microminiature integrated electronic elements that have replaced semiconductor diodes and transistors and become the basis for the development and use of PCs. These computers had a number of advantages: they were compact, easy to use and relatively cheap.

In 1971, Intel created the i4004 microprocessor, and in 1974 - the i8080, which had a huge impact on the development of microprocessor technology. This company to this day remains the market leader in the production of microprocessors for the PC.

Initially, PCs were developed on the basis of 8-bit microprocessors. One of the first manufacturers of computers with a 16-bit microprocessor was IBM, until the 1980s. specializing in the production of large computers. In 1981, she first released the PC, which used the principle of open architecture, which allowed to change the configuration of the computer and improve its properties.

In the late 1970s. and other large companies of leading countries (USA, Japan, etc.) have begun to develop PCs based on 16-bit microprocessors.

In 1984, Apple came up with TIKMacintosh , a competitor to IBM. In the mid-1980s. computers based on 32-bit microprocessors were released. Currently there are 64-bit systems.

The type of the values ​​of the basic parameters and taking into account the use of the following groups of computer equipment:

supercomputer - a unique superproductive system used in solving complex problems, with large calculations;

server - a computer that provides its own resources to other users; there are file servers, print servers, database servers, etc .;

personal computer - a computer designed to work in the office or at home. Customize, maintain and install the software of computers of this type can the user;

professional workstation - a computer with a huge performance and designed for professional activity in a certain area. Most often, it is supplied with additional equipment and specialized software;

• A laptop is a portable computer with the computing power of a PC. It may operate for some time without power from the electrical network;

Pocket PC (electronic organizer), not exceeding the size of a calculator, keyboard or keyboard, in its functionality is similar to a laptop;

network PC - a computer for business use with a minimum set of external devices. Work support and software installation are centralized. It is also used to work in a computer network and for offline operation;

terminal - a device used when working offline. The terminal does not contain a processor for executing commands, it performs only operations for entering and transmitting user commands to another computer and issuing a result to the user.

The market for modern computers and the number of cars produced are determined by market needs.


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