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5.12. Organization of ad hoc networks and technology work in them


Install the software for a peer-to-peer network can the user. Software components for managing this network allow you to organize a direct cable connection between two PCs using a null modem cable. Peer-to-peer networks are called peer-to-peer networks (workstations) that do not have the server part of the software. Client software is installed on each workstation , consisting of four components:

1) client - a program that implements the general functions of managing the interaction of a workstation with other computers in a network;

2) services - a program that establishes the type of access to resources and ensures the conversion of a specific local resource to a network and back;

3) protocol - a program that controls the transfer of information in the network;

4) network card — a driver that controls the operation of a network adapter; however, when organizing a direct cable connection between a PC, this component may be missing.

When installing network software components, keep in mind the following.

1. To organize a peer-to-peer network (as a client), you must install the Client program for Microsoft networks. Peer-to-peer networks allow reading and editing of shared information resources, as well as the launch of the program from "someone else's computer." In addition, each user can have their own desktop view, a set of icons on it, personal settings for working in the Internet, etc.

2. As the Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Service or Direct Cable Connection, select Microsoft File Network and Printer Access Service.

3. The type of protocol is determined by the type of client installed and the type of network card. In this case, the protocol is often automatically installed during installation.

4. For network cards of class RPR, the software component Network Card should be used. The card is installed automatically when the PC is restarted, if drivers for the network card are included in the Windows drivers.

When organizing work in a peer-to-peer network, you should use the resources of various computers. The resources of the workstation in the peer-to-peer network are any of the presented elements:

devices of long-term memory, including logical HDDs, drives and other similar devices (information);

folders, and with or without subfolders (informational);

connected to a computer, including printers, modems, etc. (technical).

A computer resource accessible from other computers on a network is called shared or networked, as well as shared, shared. Allocate shared information resources and shared technical devices. The concepts of local and shared resource are dynamic; this means that any local resource can be at any time converted into a network resource and back by the workstation's host itself.

Before using a network resource in peer-to-peer networks, the following organizational measures should be taken:

clarify the composition of shared resources and select the computers on which they will be located;

determine the circle of users who access them;

provide information to future consumers of this resource about the names of PCs on which they are created, about network names of resources, rights and passwords for access to them;

form groups, if necessary, and include in it all PCs that will be granted access to this resource.


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