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8.11. Software Systems Engineering Technology


The need to create automated information processing systems has led to the concept of databases as a single, centralized repository of all information necessary for solving management tasks. The concept of databases is theoretically correct. However, in reality, it leads to a significant loss in time, which is required for searching and retrieving information from a database that is necessary for solving a particular task. Currently, the database concept provides a reasonable compromise between minimizing the necessary duplication of information and the effectiveness of the process of sampling and updating data. In fact, the provision of such a solution takes place only when the system analysis of the whole complex of tasks to be automated is already at the stage of the system description. In this case, it refers to its goals and functions, the composition and specificity of information flows, the information content of tasks, and even individual program modules. The basis of the system approach is the provisions of the general theory of systems. It is most effective in solving complex problems of analysis and synthesis, which require the simultaneous use of several scientific disciplines.

Another important factor that necessitates a systematic approach (starting from the stage of formulating requirements and setting tasks) is that this stage accounts for up to 80% of all the costs of developing the software. At the same time, it is of particular importance in ensuring that the development results meet the needs of end users.

The emergence of the need for a systems approach to the development of software for solving problems in the automation of systems of organizational and economic management has led to the need for differentiation of specialist developers. This fact served as a manifestation in the selection of system analysts, system engineers, applied and system programmers in their composition.

The system analyst formulates the general formal requirements for the system software. The duties of a systems engineering specialist are to transform general formal requirements into detailed specifications for individual programs and to participate in the development of a logical database structure.

The duties of the application programmer are to improve the specification in the logical structure of the program modules, and then in the program code.

The system programmer must ensure the interaction of software modules with the software environment in which the application programs are to work.

Another feature of the system development of application projects is their orientation towards the use of integrated and distributed databases. In this case, language database tools have been used as software tools for developing software components along with programming languages.

Appear and are widely used in the field of PC management and better software tools that are aimed at management professionals - non-programmers. This fact radically changed the nature of the technology of preparing and solving economic problems.

With the growth in the production of microprocessors, the priorities and urgency of the problems inherent in traditional technologies for developing application programs have changed dramatically. The possibility of exclusion from the technological chain of professional programmers allows us to accelerate the process of developing applied software.


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Terms: Informatics