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6.3. Internet work software


In order for the Internet system to function, the following programs exist:

1) universal programs or software systems that provide access to any Internet service;

2) specialized programs that provide greater opportunities when working with a specific Internet service.

Browsers are programs for working with WWW. Usually they are delivered in the form of a set of software tools that provide all the possibilities of working in a network.

The most used complexes are the Netsape Communicator complexes of different versions and Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) versions 4.0 and 5.0. In Microsoft terminology, these complexes are called browsers. One of the important advantages of IE is that at the same time as the browser functions, it is also used as an explorer of the local computer's file system. At the same time, working with the IE complex as a conductor is organized according to the same principles as working as a browser. It should be noted that the work is carried out in the same window, with the same menu, tool buttons and tools. Using IE eliminates the differences between working with the file system of the local computer and working with the WWW. At the same time, IE is closely connected with MS Office programs, providing work on the Internet directly from these programs. Such MS Office programs can be Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, etc.

In addition to the browser to work with the WWW, the IE complex includes Outlook Express (OE). It is used to work with e-mail and newsgroups. Due to the complexity of IE, the browser and Outlook Express are delivered as a single installation package. These programs can be installed at the same time, have general settings, be called from each other and exchange information.

MS Office contains MS Outlook organizer programs (which are not included in the IE package), providing, among many of its functions, the ability to work with e-mail and News. The program organizer MS Outlook is able to completely replace Outlook Express. In those cases when it is irrational to use MS Outlook as an organizer program, but only as a means of working in the Internet, it is preferable to work with Outlook Express.

In addition to the listed programs included in the IE package, there are many programs from various companies that are designed to work with e-mail and FTR servers. They can be purchased and installed separately from the IE complex. Thanks to these programs, the user can get additional amenities.

Internet access is made through the provider. One of the following methods is used to contact him:

Internet access via dial-up lines or dial-up. In this mode, the main limitation is the quality of the telephone line and modem;

permanent Internet connection via a dedicated line. This way of working is the most perfect, but the most expensive. It automatically opens access to all Internet resources.

When concluding a contract with a provider over switched telephone lines, it is necessary that information be provided that you later need to specify as parameters in various communication programs with the provider. These programs are used for direct work in the Internet. When concluding a contract for Dial-Up-access, the provider must set a certain set of parameters for each subscriber.


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