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8.3. Information systems of organizational and economic management


In order to reveal the concept of "information system", one should proceed from two aspects:

1) the purpose of the creation and operation of an information system. Here, each information system must provide information that helps to remove uncertainty from management and other interested parties when approving management and other decisions regarding an object;

2) taking into account the real conditions in which the goal is achieved, that is, all external and internal factors that determine the specific features, the individuality of the object.

The object information system is a complex of interrelated components. These components describe various aspects of the information activity of an object when implementing management functions within its organizational and management structure.

For the separation of information systems, classification criteria were adopted according to the degree of automation of functions:

information and reference (factual);

information and advising (documentary);

information managers.

At the moment, this division is perceived somewhat simplified. This is due to a number of reasons.

1. The basis of the functioning of modern factographic systems can be the principles of associative search using semantic maps. The main thing that unites such systems with elementary factographic systems is that they ensure the issuance of only available information.

2. Documentary systems based on the available information form one or several possible solutions, and the final choice remains with the human user. The choice of such systems is extremely wide: from the solution of elementary direct counting problems and multivariate optimization problems to expert systems.

3. Management information systems are considered the highest level of automation and can use fairly simple algorithms to implement, for example, automatic notification of suppliers (payers, debtors) by comparing the current date and all actual receipts at the current time with those planned at that moment.

In reality, such systems can function not only independently, but jointly, complementing each other.

The fundamental classification of information systems in the field of organizational management can be supplemented by the following classification:

1) according to the method of automation of controls:

autonomous automated workplaces of management specialists;

autonomous local networks uniting functionally interconnected automated workplaces of managers;

unified network of the organization, including its headquarters and geographically distant branches;

2) by types of automated management functions:

functional (automating accounting, personnel, planned management functions, etc.);

administrative (automating office work, workflow, etc.);

complex (covering all types of management activities);

3) by the level of specialization:


adaptive universal;

general management;

4) the nature of the relationship with the external information environment:

closed (without automated interaction with external information systems);

open (with access to publicly available information systems);

extrasystems (fully functionally interacting with a number of external information systems).


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Terms: Informatics