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8.10. Application software


Application software (PPO) is a collection of software products that are of interest to users and are designed to solve everyday problems of information processing.

An application software package (PPP) is a set of programs focused on solving a certain class of problems.

All PPO is divided into design tools and means of use.

Design tools include PPO, which are designed to create information systems and are used in the workplaces of specialists of various profiles:

1) DBMS - used to create, maintain and use databases;

2) computer-aided design (CAD) systems allow solving the tasks of drawing and designing various mechanisms using a PC;

3) electronic document management systems - designed to ensure paperless handling of documents in enterprises;

4) information storages (data banks, knowledge banks) - provide storage of large amounts of accumulated information;

5) geographic information systems - used to simulate the processes of development and management of various natural resources, geological exploration, etc.

Means of use are software for processing various types of information:

1) word processors and text editors - input, editing and preparation for printing any documents;

2) tabular processors - creating spreadsheets and performing actions on the data contained in these tables;

3) graphic processors - creating and editing graphic objects, cartoons and other animation on a computer screen;

4) integrated RFP - creating a unified business environment at its core;

5) RFP analysis methods - solving analysis problems in a specific area;

6) telecommunication and network programs - global and local area networks, e-mail programs;

7) a set of economic PPP - the use of professionals working in the economic sphere;

8) training and testing programs - obtaining new knowledge, testing in various disciplines, etc .;

9) multimedia software packages - creating, editing and listening to music, viewing and processing video, auxiliary programs (codecs), games;

10) a set of application programs - recording and diagnostics of CD-R / RW and DVD-R / RW discs.


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Terms: Informatics