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6.17. Internet Marketing. Internet advertising


Marketing - is a system of management of production and sales activities of the organization. Its purpose is to obtain an acceptable amount of profit through accounting and active influence on market conditions. When creating a marketing concept for a company, the fundamental differences between the Internet and traditional media should be taken into account:

  • • The Internet user is an active component of the communication system. The use of the Internet allows for interaction between suppliers and consumers. In this case, consumers themselves become suppliers, in particular suppliers of information about their needs;
  • • the level of consumer awareness of the subject on which he is trying to find information is much higher than that of a person who watches the advertisement of the same product on TV;
  • there is an opportunity to exchange information directly with each consumer;
  • the transaction is achieved by the interactivity of the Internet environment itself.

Any marketing company on the Internet is based on the corporate Web site around which the entire marketing system is built. To attract visitors to a specific Web server, a company must advertise it by registering with search engines, Web directories, links to other Web sites, etc. Marketing activities on the Internet are carried out using the following advantages of e-mail marketing:

  • • E-mail has almost every Internet user;
  • • there is the possibility of exposure to a specific audience;
  • • modern mail clients support html-format letters.

The advantages of Internet marketing over other, more traditional forms of marketing are the lower cost of an advertising campaign. This is due to the fact that the Internet has a much larger audience than that of ordinary media. Advantages of Internet marketing are also the possibility of directing the flow of advertising only to the target audience, evaluation of its effectiveness and rapid change in the main accents of the advertising company.

The disadvantages of Internet marketing include: the uncertainty of the size of the market, the passivity of consumers and the ignorance of consumers.

Internet advertising is used to inform users about the website of a company. It may exist in the form of several major carriers.

Bonner is a rectangular graphic image in GIF or JPEG format, which is the most common advertising medium. In the manufacture of banners, two conditions are met, taken into account by Web-designers:

1) the larger the banner size, the more effective it is;

2) animated banners can be more effective than static ones.

A small web page that is hosted on a web publisher page is called a mini-site. Mini-sites are usually dedicated to a specific marketing campaign, product or service.

Advertiser information is a fragment of one or more pages of a Web publisher.

Advertising on the Internet promotes the following goals: 1) creating a favorable image of your company; 2) widespread access to information about your company to many millions of Internet users; 3) reduced advertising costs; 4) providing support to their advertising agents; 5) the implementation of the possibilities of presenting information about the product; 6) prompt changes to the price list, information about the company or products, prompt response to the market situation; 7) the sale of its products through the Internet without opening new outlets.

There are two methods for determining the effectiveness of online advertising:

1) the study of server statistics and the number of hits to advertising pages;

2) a survey of the potential audience to ascertain the degree of familiarity with the advertised company.

These methods can be used separately or used together to improve the objectivity of the assessment.


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