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5.15. Connection organization with a remote personal computer


When using a modem, any communication session begins with the establishment of a connection with a remote computer. This connection in Wndows is provided by the Remote Access to Network program, which is automatically established during Windows installation. In this case, at the time of installation, the modem must be physically connected to the PC and unplugged. In addition to this program, a special Connection element is automatically created for each phone number, in the properties of which a telephone number is indicated.

To create the Connection icon, follow the steps below; only the first step is required.

1. Creating a new icon. In the context of the Remote connection program, click on the New connection icon, then in the successive connection wizard windows indicate the name of the connection and the phone number of the subscriber. After that, an icon is created with the specified name, the addressee’s phone and some standard set of parameters that control the process of connecting to the subscriber. These parameters can be changed with the help of the next item.

2. Setting dialing options. The parameters of this group depend on the type of telephone line used, they control the technology of establishing a connection. To change the parameters, double-click on the icon of the desired connection, in the next window, click the Options button. In the Dialing Settings window you need to make all the necessary changes. The meaning of most of the parameters is as follows:

• The type of dialing determines the dialing system used, which can be pulsed and tone. With a new connection, the tone mode is set by default, so almost all of it needs to be replaced with a pulse one. This is advisable if the measures described below are not applied, otherwise the connection will not be established (this applies to all types of connections, including connections to the Internet);

The Call Location field allows you to have several types of number parameters for the same connection. It is convenient to use this when it is necessary to establish communication from different places from a laptop computer, which differ in the method of calling the subscriber. For example, in one case directly, and in the other through a switch or in one case from a line with a tone dialing, and in the other - with a pulse. At the same time, the *** is being clicked on by the Create button, and then in the Call Location field, you must enter a name that defines the corresponding set of parameters. After that, you need to set the necessary values ​​of the parameters, the task of which is completed by clicking on the Apply button. Then the place of the call is selected in the process of establishing a connection.

3. Coordination of communication parameters with a PC subscriber, establishing data transfer protocols for the subscriber and other characteristics that are required to connect to a remote computer. The most important parameters are set in the Server Type tab. These parameters are especially important when establishing communication with the Internet.

Connection with a specific subscriber is made using:

double-click on the Connection icon in the Remote Access program window. To frequently used connections for ease of access, their icons can be brought to the Desktop;

double-click on the connection icons appearing in the windows of switching programs;

setting the name of the desired connection, which is made in special fields of the Internet programs. It is required to ensure that the required connection is automatically established.


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