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5.2. The main software and hardware components of the network


As a result, even a superficial examination of work in the network makes it clear that a computer network is a complex set of interconnected and consistently functioning software and hardware components. The study of the network as a whole involves the study of the principles of its individual elements, among which are:

1) computers;

2) communication equipment;

3) operating systems;

4) network applications.

All network software and hardware can be described by a multilayer model. The first is the hardware layer of standardized computer platforms. Currently, networks of various classes are widely and successfully used in networks - from PCs to mainframes and supercomputers. A set of computers on the network must be matched with a set of various tasks that are solved by the network.

The second layer is communication equipment. Despite the fact that computers are the central elements of information processing in networks, communication devices such as cable systems, repeaters, bridges, switches, routers, and modular hubs have now become important. Currently, the communication device can be a complex specialized multiprocessor that needs to be configured, optimized and administered. To make changes in the principles of communication equipment, it is necessary to study a variety of protocols that are used in both local and global networks.

The third layer, which forms the network software platform, is the operating system. The type of management concepts for local and distributed resources that form the basis of the network operating system determines the overall performance of the entire network. When designing a network, one should take into account how easy this system can interact with other network operating systems, how much it is capable of ensuring the safety and security of data, to what extent it allows increasing the number of users.

The fourth, uppermost layer of network tools includes various network applications, such as network databases, mail systems, data archiving tools, automation systems for teamwork, etc. It is important to know the range of possibilities that applications provide for various applications, as well that they are compatible with other network applications and operating systems.


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