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5.6. Organization of accounts. User group management


All user information that is required to identify him and work on the Windows NT network is called an account. It is created for each user and contains a unique name that is typed by the user when registering on the network, and a password to log on to the network.

When creating an account, you must enter the following information:

1) a user group that includes the user;

2) the path to the user profile, which determines the user's environment and programs available to him;

3) the time at which the user is allowed to enter the network;

4) a workstation through which this user can enter the network;

5) account expiration dates and account type;

6) user rights to the means of remote access and callback.

Using account management make changes to the accounts. These changes can include: changing a password, renaming an account, changing a user group (deleting from one and switching to another), blocking access, deleting an account. Domain controller accounts can be valid for other domains, and these domains should be credible.

In Windows NT 4, there is a concept for managing user groups. The basis of this concept is the assignment of rights to a whole group of users at once and the execution of access control through the addition and removal of users from different groups. This approach to account maintenance gives all access rights to the group in which the account is placed.

User accounts that have access to servers and workstations in their own and other domains with which trust is established are called global groups. They are managed by a user dispatcher for domains.

Local groups consist of user accounts that have access to resources only on the local system within its own domain, and user accounts of global groups that have access to servers that are members of their domain.

Administrators call the group responsible for the overall configuration of the domain and its servers. This group has the most rights. It includes a global group of domain administrators who have the same rights as administrators.

Budget operators have the right to create new groups and user accounts. However, they have limited rights to administer accounts, servers, and domain groups. User groups , domain users, domain guests, and guests also have rights with significant disabilities . It is possible to copy, adjust and delete user-created groups. The group management wizard has the right to add and create users. It operates in semi-automatic mode and provides phased assistance in the implementation of the following administrative tasks:

create user accounts;

group management;

controlling access to files and folders;

input printer drivers;

installation and uninstallation of programs;

licensing management;

network client administration.


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