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1.1. The concept of computer science


1.1. The concept of computer science

Computer science (from fr. Information - information + automatique - automatics) has the widest range of applications. The main areas of this scientific discipline are:

development of computing systems and software;

information theory, which studies processes based on the transmission, reception, transformation and storage of information;

methods that allow you to create programs for solving problems that require certain intellectual efforts when used by humans (logical inference, speech comprehension, visual perception, etc.);

system analysis, which consists in studying the designation of the designed system and in determining the requirements with which it must meet;

methods of animation, computer graphics, multimedia;

telecommunication facilities (global computer networks);

various applications that are used in production, science, education, medicine, trade, agriculture, etc.

Most often it is believed that computer science consists of two types of tools:

1) technical - computer equipment;

2) software - the whole variety of existing computer programs.

Sometimes there is another main branch - algorithmic tools.

In the modern world, the role of computer science is enormous. It covers not only the sphere of material production, but also the intellectual, spiritual side of life. The increase in production of computer technology, the development of information networks, the emergence of new information technologies significantly affect all spheres of society: manufacturing, science, education, medicine, culture, etc.

created: 2014-09-13
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Informatics