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6.15. Online auctions. Internet banking


Online auction is an electronic trading showcase through which the user can sell any item. The owner of the online auction receives a commission from any of the transactions, while the turnover of online auctions is much greater than the turnover of the rest of the retail e-commerce.

The largest global auction companies are also going online. At online auctions any goods are exhibited. However, there are certain groups of products that are most suitable for auction trading: 1) computers and components, high-tech products; 2) discounted goods; 3) non-entry goods; 4) recent sales leaders; 5) collectible items.

To classify auctions on the basis of their division in the direction of growth or decrease of rates, which, in turn, can increase from minimum to maximum and vice versa.

A regular auction does not have a reserved or minimum price; the goods go to the buyer in exchange for paying the maximum price.

In a public auction , the current maximum bid and bid history are available for each participant and visitor. There are no restrictions for participants except the guarantee.

Private auction is a bid that is accepted for a strictly limited time. In this case, the participant can make only one bet and is not able to find out the size and number of bets of other participants. After the end of the agreed period, the winner is determined.

Quiet auction is a type of private auction where the participant does not know who made the bid, but can find out the current maximum bid.

At an auction with a minimum price, the seller offers the product and determines the minimum starting sale price. When bidding, buyers know only the size of the minimum price.

An auction with a reserved price differs from an auction with a minimum price in that its participants know the established minimum price, but do not know its value. When the minimum price is not reached during the auction during the bidding process, the product remains unsold.

A Danish auction is such an auction where the initial price is set exaggeratedly high and during the bidding process automatically decreases, and the price reduction stops when the bidder stops the auction.

The basis for the emergence and development of Internet banking are the types of remote banking used in the earlier stages of banking. Through the Internet banking system, a bank's client can perform the following operations: 1) transfer of funds from one account to another; 2) the implementation of non-cash payments; 3) purchase and sale of non-cash currency; 4) opening and closing deposit accounts; 5) determination of the schedule of calculations; 6) payment of various goods and services; 7) control over all banking operations on their accounts for any period of time.

When using Internet banking systems, a bank customer acquires some advantages:

1) significant time savings;

2) the ability to monitor your financial resources 24 hours a day and better control them, respond promptly to any changes in the situation on the financial markets;

3) tracking operations with plastic cards to increase control by the client over their operations.

The disadvantages of Internet banking systems include the problems of ensuring the safety of settlements and the safety of funds in customer accounts.


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