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2.1. Classification and device computers


A computer (from the English. Computer - computer) is a programmable electronic device that can process information, perform calculations and perform other tasks. Computers are divided into two main types:

1) digital, estimating data in the form of numeric binary codes;

2) analog, analyzing continuously changing physical quantities, which are analogs of the calculated values.

Currently, the word "computer" is precisely a digital computer.

The basis of computers is hardware (Hardware) formed by electronic and electromechanical elements and devices. The principle of operation of computers consists in the execution of programs (Software), which are set in advance and clearly defined by a sequence of arithmetic, logical and other operations.

The structure of any computer is determined by general logical principles, on the basis of which the following main devices are distinguished in it:

memory consisting of renumbered cells;

• a processor that includes a control device (CU) and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU);

input device;

output device.

These devices are connected by communication channels that transmit information.


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Terms: Informatics