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7.2. Text editors


A text editor is a software tool for preparing text documents.

When executing various business documents on a computer, it is necessary to use text editors, which occupy an intermediate position between simple editors and publishing systems.

Typing in a text editor should consider the following:

1) the mouse and cursor do not match. Usually the mouse pointer resembles an arrow. When the pointer moves on the part of the screen intended to be filled with text, the pointer will change;

2) the cursor pointer is always located in the text field of the document, it is a flashing vertical line;

3) a marker of the end of the text is a thick horizontal line at the end of the typed text.

When preparing a text in a text editor after typing, you should edit it. Editing refers to specifying sheet sizes, highlighting headings, defining a red line in paragraphs, inserting drawings, objects, etc. If the text is prepared for presentation in hypertext, then editing should include the input in the text of the corresponding means in HTML format. In MS Office 97, such opportunities exist.

You can call up various editor functions using the mouse or special key combinations. Work with the mouse is considered the most natural, but the use of some combinations of "hot keys" significantly speeds up the work.

To manage the editor using the main menu. An additional tool for managing a text editor are the panels: standard toolbar, editing and formatting toolbars, etc.

In order to speed up the work, buttons that duplicate various actions performed in a text editor using the main menu options are displayed on these panels. When you call each menu item on the display screen, a submenu appears that specifies the actions of the editor. These actions can be performed by selecting this menu item.

To install the necessary font, follow the sequence Format / Font, which leads to the appearance of a window in which you should choose the font type and letter size. The correct choice of the type of font and its size is reflected in the character of the text and depends on the experience with the editor.

A font is a set of letters, numbers, special characters, which are designed in accordance with uniform requirements. The pattern is called a typeface. Fonts differ in style, and the font size is called pin.

In order to perform any operations in a specific text fragment, you must first mark or select this fragment. After that, the necessary parameters are changed.

The basis of text editing is to edit headings and paragraphs. To do this, select the option Format / Paragraph, and after the window appears on the screen - the desired action.

When specifying the distance between the lines in a paragraph, you must use the Interline window, where you can set single, one and a half, double or another spacing.

To select a paragraph, use the red line; The size of the movement of the cursor during tabulation can be set using the ruler, which is located under the control panels. For the ruler to appear on the screen, you need to activate it in the View menu item. When the ruler is activated, set the cursor to the appropriate place and click the left mouse button. After that, a special character appears, which defines the place where the cursor moves when the tab key is pressed.


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