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8.6. Concept of business graphics


The computer science section related to the creation and application of image processing tools is called computer graphics.

The drawn image, which is usually associated with the text, is an illustration, or a means of typing the text. Illustrations are divided into numeric and text. The quantitative aspect of economic phenomena can be characterized by illustrations of numbers (indicators); textual illustrations describe a non-digitized qualitative residue. For the manufacture of illustration indicators used charts, color and tone shading and other ways to display indicators on geographic maps. Among the text illustrations stand out illustrations of concepts. They are intended for graphical interpretation of economic abstractions. Usually, concepts are presented in text form, i.e. verbally. The illustration helps to complement the verbal form of the concept, to facilitate its understanding, contributes to the identification of new information. For example, the intersection of concepts can be illustrated by circles superimposed on each other.

Text is the main type and means of combining data using the OLE mechanism and its network extensions. It can be linear and nonlinear, for example, a table, databases, hypertext, etc.

Means of text design for the use of graphics are divided into traditional and non-traditional. The traditional means of design of symbols and backgrounds of the text. Means of design characters can be divided into four groups:

1) the headset, which is the individual unique appearance of the font;

2) typeface, which is a set of underlines, volume, animation, etc .;

3) a color palette, which is a standard palette of sixteen colors, as well as silver and gray;

4) the density of characters - horizontally and vertically.

Headsets on the level of application of graphics are divided into three groups:

1) simple (strictly shaped), having the same width, such as Courier and dvatipa proportional - chopped (Arial) and with serifs (Times);

2) special (specially decorated), usually handwritten, Slavic, etc .;

3) thematic picture sets - Wingdings fonts, etc.

The text background layout consists of four main groups:

1) pattern, which is a certain set of methods of hatching;

2) the color of the pattern, which is a standard set of colors;

3) the background color, which is a standard palette with additional shades of black;

4) border around the text.

The possibilities of framing are determined by units of text. For example, a fragment can be limited to a frame; paragraph and page - with the help of a frame and a line. The border of the paragraph and the fragment is separated by straight line segments, and the pages are also separated by drawings. In this case, the border can be set volumetric, with a shadow, etc.

Non-traditional means of registration used in the design of title pages, section headings and other short texts - inscriptions. The inscription, also called an envelope, can be deformed. To do this, it is performed volumetric and with a shadow. It is created as a Windows object with two features:

1) when you change its size, the size changes;

2) it is impossible to establish the boundaries of a typesetting field, i.e. the text is forcedly transferred to a new line.

For this reason, the inscriptions are called graphic, curly text. Figure text in MS Office 95 is created using WordArt. It can be a circular, ring, petal inscription. WordArt is launched by clicking the button in the Drawing panel, which expands the traditional possibilities of managing the background of text and images.


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