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6.10. Creating a Web Page with Front Page


Creating Web-pages is most often and more efficiently done using the WEB-editor Microsoft FrontPage , which is optimally suitable for teaching HTML-programming and the art of developing your own Web-sites.

FrontPage is part of the Office Office suite. It can also be purchased as a separate program.

The main features of FrontPage include:

1) creating and saving Web pages on a computer hard drive and directly on the Internet;

2) downloading a Web page from the Internet and editing it;

3) viewing and administering a web page;

4) the development of complex design;

5) the use of ready-made HTML tags;

6) the use of finished drawings;

7) use of ActiveX controls and scripts in Web pages.

To develop a new Web page, execute File / New / Page commands or press the key combination Ctrl + N. At the same time, the New dialog box will appear on the screen, in which you should select the required page template or switch to the Frames Pages tab. Also, the formation of a new page from the Normal Page template can be performed using the New button of the standard toolbar.

Saving Web pages is performed using the Save command of the File menu or by pressing the Ctrl + S key combination. In the dialog box that appears, enter the name of the page, and its type is defined in the Save as type list. A page is saved on the Web or on the hard drive by specifying its location in the field at the top of this dialog box.

Text in a new Web page can be entered from the keyboard, copied from other documents, or drag and drop files. Entering text from the keyboard is the same as in any text editor. In order to insert images into a web page, select the *** button in the Picture menu of the Insert.

Any web page picture can be assigned a hyperlink. This is done by selecting the desired pattern and on the General tab of the dialog box.

In order to create a hypertext link, you need to select the text or image, select the *** *** from the Hyperlink Insert menu or the context menu. In the URL field that appeared in the window, you must enter the URL.

The properties of the created Web page are shown in the Page Properties dialog box, which is opened by the *** File / Properties combo.

To publish Web pages, select the *** file from File / Publish Web or click the button of the standard toolbar of the same name. In the resulting dialog box, you must specify the location of the Web page, the option to publish changed or all pages, and the protection option. When you click the Publish button, the generated Web pages will appear on the Internet.


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