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8.2. Modern information technologies in the systems of organizational and economic management


The system of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products that are carried out in the process of production of the final product is called technology.

In practice, the technology describes what, how and how much should be done to obtain a material or thing with specified properties. From a scientific point of view, technology is the science of the laws of the implementation of targeted influences in various spheres of human activity. Determining the laws governing the construction of production processes, the transition from the logical construction of projects to the processes of manufacturing finished products with useful functions and properties is the task of technology as a science.

Information technologies are technological processes that encompass the information activities of managerial workers, which is associated with the preparation and adoption of management decisions.

The peculiarity of information technologies is that they include the processes of collecting, transmitting, storing and processing information in all its possible forms of manifestation. These types of manifestations include textual, graphic, visual, speech information, etc.

The development of new technical means, the discovery of new concepts and means of organizing data, their transfer, storage and processing leads to the continuous development and improvement of information technologies. To ensure the effective interaction of end users with the computing system, new information technologies use a fundamentally different organization of the user interface with the computing system. Such a system is called a friendly interface system and is expressed in the following:

1) the rights of the user to an error are ensured thanks to the protection of information and computing resources of the system from non-professional actions on the computer;

2) there is a wide range of hierarchical menus, hints and training systems, etc., which facilitate the process of user interaction with the computer;

3) there is a “rollback” system, which allows for performing a regulated action, the consequences of which for some reason did not satisfy the user, return to the previous state of the system.

The knowledge base is an essential element of the expert system that is created at the workplace of a management specialist. Such a base is an accumulator of knowledge in a specific area of ​​professional activity and acts as an assistant in analyzing the economic situation in the process of developing a management decision.

Now information technologies in the field of organizational and economic management are developing in certain basic directions, thanks to which it is possible to ensure an increase in the efficiency of their use. Among these areas are:

intensification of the role of management specialists in preparing and solving problems of economic management;

personalization of calculations based on the use of a computer and related software and tools;

improvement of intelligent interface systems for end users of different levels;

integration of information and computing resources using computer networks of various levels;

development of comprehensive measures to protect information and computing resources from unauthorized access and distortion.

Ensuring the greatest economic efficiency from the use of information technologies in the field of organizational management can be achieved in the case of the creation of automated information systems.


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Terms: Informatics