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1.9. Stages of development of information technology


There are several points of view on the development of information technology with the use of computers. Staging carried out on the basis of the following signs of division.

Selection of stages on the problems of the process of informatization of society

1) until the end of the 1960s. - the problem of processing large amounts of information in conditions of limited hardware capabilities;

2) until the end of the 1970s. - software lag behind the level of hardware development;

3) since the early 1980s. - problems of maximally satisfying the user's needs and creating an appropriate interface for working in a computer environment;

4) since the early 1990s. - development of an agreement and setting standards, protocols for computer communication, organization of access to strategic information, etc.

Selection of the stages mainly brought by computer technology:

1) since the early 1960s. - effective information processing when performing routine work with a focus on centralized collective use of resources of computer centers;

2) from the mid-1970s. - the emergence of personal computers (PC). At the same time, the approach to the creation of information systems has changed - the orientation is shifting towards the individual user to support his decisions. Both centralized and decentralized data processing is used;

3) since the early 1990s. - development of telecommunication technology of distributed information processing. Information systems are used to help an organization fight competitors.

Selection of stages by types of technology tools:

1) until the second half of the XIX century. - “manual” information technology, the tools for which were a pen, inkwell, paper;

2) from the end of the XIX century. - “mechanical” technology, the instruments of which were composed of a typewriter, telephone, voice recorder, mail;

3) 1940-1960-ies. XX century. - “electric” technology, the instruments of which were made up by large electronic computers (computer) and the corresponding software, electric typewriters, copiers, portable voice recorders;

4) since the early 1970s. - “electronic” technology, the main tools are mainframes and automated control systems (ACS) and information retrieval systems (IPS) created on their basis, which are equipped with a wide range of software systems;

5) from the mid-1980s. - "computer" technology, the main toolkit - a PC with a wide range of standard software products for different purposes.


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