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4.8. Registry and configuration of the operating system WINDOWS NT


Basic information about the composition of the Windows NT system is in the registry (a special database), which contains information about: installed programs, libraries and drivers; about the links between the documents and the programs in which they were formed; parameters that control the operation of computers connected to local or global networks.

When using the registry, it is possible to modify the OS configuration. The same result can be obtained using the user interface, for example through the control panel. The registry reflects all the changes, but before making changes to it, you should back up the system and print out its main elements. The registry can be edited by a user registered in the Administrator group.

Information about the local system is in the following subsections:

1) SYSTEM (system) - information related to the launch of the system, loading device drivers;

2) Hardware (hardware) - information about the installed hardware, displays their existing state;

3) Software (software) - information about software settings;

4) Security Account Manager SAM (security account manager) - information about the local user, group accounts and domain values;

5) SECURITY - information about the protection used by the security system of this computer.

With this registry architecture, it is possible for Windows NT to maintain universal storage for all information and provide distributed but secure access to it over the network. The total size of Windows NT 4 registry files is limited to 2 GB or unused disk space on the system volume. The ability to replace the characteristics and values ​​of subkeys and registry keys allows you to change the OS Wndows NT, in particular:

increase the speed of the desktop by setting the number of icons stored in the memory and cache file;

vary the number, size and color of the icons that are displayed on the screen, and other settings of the OS shell;

replace the explorer with a program manager or another shell;

change the appearance of the standard icons on the desktop and in the start menu.

To select another type of system service, device driver or file driver, you need to set the necessary parameters in the appropriate registry key.

The registry allows you to increase the efficiency of working with memory, namely, to improve the use of physical and virtual memory of Windows NT. This can be done by increasing the size of the file cache.

Using a registry helps manage many network components, but not all network services can run on the system. Through utilities, you can identify active components and put them at the top of the list of network access components, which will lead to a significant increase in system performance. The same program determines the occupancy rate of the OP, and with a lack of memory it can change the number of users accessing the server.

When a large number of requests may change the number of threads. Increasing this value improves system performance.

Utilities and associated protocols are used to install and configure remote access. Using the same utility, the port usage configuration is configured.


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