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5.3. Types of local networks


In order to interconnect two PCs, they are connected with a special null modem cable. This cable is connected when the PC is turned off, and for each connection method you should use your own type of cable.

If a direct PC connection is used, then there are two types of their interaction:

1) direct access, which is only possible to forward information from one computer to another;

2) remote control, in which it is possible to execute a program hosted on another computer.

With direct access, one of the computers is the master, and the second is the slave. Manages the work of computers connected to each other, the user from the host PC. It is important to make the following preparatory operations:

installation of software components Client, Protocol, Services;

Installation of access to files and printers network Microsoft. A flag must be flagged on the computer that provides the resources. Files on this computer can be shared;

providing access at the resource level;

definition of the shared resources of the PC server participating in the exchange;

connection from a client computer to shared information resources.

All actions on the command Direct connection are performed by the Direct Connection Wizard using the consecutive windows of the Direct Connection dialog. These windows indicate which of the computers is slave and which is leading; port used for communication; login password used

In the last window Direct connection, if the parameters are correctly set, on the host computer, click on the Receive commands button, and on the slave one click the Control button. After that, the master PC can use the shared resources of the slave and the entire local network if the slave PC is connected to the network.

With remote control, the server is a continuation of the client. The basic synchronization scheme includes the following steps:

1) the union of stationary and portable computers. The desktop computer must be the master, and the folders containing the necessary files must be shared;

2) copying files from a desktop computer to a portable one in the Briefcase folder;

3) disconnecting the laptop computer from the stationary and further editing the files in the Briefcase folder;

4) reconnecting the laptop with the stationary computer from which the source files were originally copied to the Briefcase folder. In this case, the laptop must be a slave, and the folders with the source files on the desktop computer must be shared;

5) opening the Briefcase folder and executing the Briefcase / Update command. If the source files remain unchanged over the past period, all modified files in the Portfolio folder will be automatically copied to the source. For files modified on a stationary PC, a warning will be displayed, after which you must select any of the following actions:

update on laptop;

update on a stationary PC;

cancel any update.

Objects by the command Briefcase / Update can not be synchronized all, but only a group of files marked in the folder.


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