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4.3. Purpose of operating systems


The type of OS depends on the appearance of a computer system consisting of processors, memory, timers, various types of disks, tape drives, printers, network communication equipment, etc. The operating system is used to manage all the resources of the computer, ensuring maximum efficiency of its operation. The main function of the OS is the distribution of processors, memory, other devices and data between computational processes that compete for these resources. Resource management includes the following tasks:

1) resource planning, i.e., determining to whom, when and in what quantity it is necessary to allocate this resource;

2) monitoring the state of the resource, i.e., maintaining operational information about whether the resource is occupied or not, how much of the resource has already been distributed and which is free.

Operating systems are classified according to the features of the implementation of computer resource management algorithms, areas of use, and many other features.


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Terms: Informatics