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2.4. The concept of command and computer system software


Every computer program is a sequence of individual commands. Com *** is called the description of the operation that the computer performs. Usually the team has its own code (symbol), the source data (operands) and the result. The set of commands that this computer executes is a command system of this computer.

Computer software is a set of programs, procedures and instructions, as well as related technical documentation, allowing the use of computers to solve specific tasks.

By application, computer software is divided into system and application.

System, or general, software acts as the "organizer" of all computer components, as well as external devices connected to it.

As part of the system software there are two components:

1) operating system - a whole complex of control programs, which are the interface between the components of a PC and ensure the most efficient use of computer resources. The operating system boots when the computer is turned on;

2) utilities - auxiliary maintenance programs.

Utilities include:

computer diagnostics programs - check the configuration of the computer and the operability of its devices; first of all, the hard drives are checked for errors;

disk optimization programs - provide faster access to information stored on a hard disk by optimizing the placement of data on it. The process of optimizing data on a hard disk is better known as the process of defragmenting a disk;

disk cleaning programs - find and delete unnecessary information (for example, temporary files, temporary Internet files, files located in the recycle bin, etc.);

disk caching programs - speed up access to data on a disk by organizing a cache buffer containing the most frequently used parts of the disk in the computer memory;

programs for dynamic disk compression - increase the amount of information stored on hard disks by its dynamic compression. The actions of these programs for the user are not noticeable, they manifest themselves only through an increase in disk capacity and a change in the speed of access to information;

packers (or archivers) - pack data on hard disks through the use of special data compression methods. These programs allow you to free up significant disk space by compressing information;

anti-virus programs - prevent infection with a computer virus and eliminate its effects;

programming systems - a set of programs for automating the process of programming computer scenarios.

Application software is a special program that is used to solve certain practical problems. Currently, programmers have developed many application programs used in mathematics, accounting and other fields of science.


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Terms: Informatics