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9.2. Programming systems


Machine-specific languages ​​are machine-dependent programming languages. The main constructive means of such languages ​​allow to take into account the peculiarities of the architecture and the principles of operation of a certain computer, that is, they have the same capabilities and requirements for programmers as machine languages. However, unlike the latter, they require a preliminary translation into the machine language of programs compiled with their help.

These types of programming languages ​​can be: autocodes, symbolic coding languages, and assemblers.

Machine-independent languages do not require full knowledge of computer specifics. With their help, you can record a program in a form that allows its implementation on a computer with various types of machine operations, the binding to which is assigned to the corresponding translator.

The reason for the rapid development and use of high-level programming languages ​​is the rapid increase in computer performance and the chronic shortage of programmers.

The intermediate space between machine-independent and machine-dependent languages ​​is given to the C language. It was created when trying to combine the merits of the languages ​​of both classes. This language has several features:

maximize the capabilities of a specific computing architecture; Because of this, C programs are compact and efficient;

allows the best use of the huge expressive means of modern high-level languages.

Languages ​​are divided into procedural-oriented and problem-oriented.

Procedural-oriented languages, such as Fortran, Cobol, Basic, Pascal, are most often used to describe algorithms for solving a wide class of problems.

Problem-oriented languages, in particular RPG, Lisp, NPS, GPSS, are used to describe the processing of information in a narrower, specific area.

Object-oriented programming languages ​​allow you to develop software applications for a wide variety of tasks that have commonality in the implemented components.

Consider the methods of using programming languages.

Interpretation is a camera-based translation and subsequent execution of the translated operator of the source program. There are two main disadvantages of the interpretation method:

1) the interpretive program must be located in the computer memory during the whole process of the initial program execution. In other words, it should occupy some fixed amount of memory;

2) the process of translation of the same operator is repeated such a number of times that this com *** must perform in the program. This leads to a sharp decline in the performance of the program.

Translators-interpreters are quite common, as they support the interactive mode.

The processes of translation and execution at compilation are separated in time: first, the original program is fully translated into machine language, after which the translated program can be repeatedly executed. For compilation translation, a repeated “viewing” of the broadcast program is necessary, i.e. compiler translators are multi-pass. Compilation translation is called an object module, which is an equivalent program in machine codes. It is necessary that before execution the object module is processed by a special OS program and converted into a load module.

They also use translators interpreters-compilers, combining the advantages of both principles of translation.


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