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6.14. E-commerce. Online store. Internet payment systems


E-commerce is the acceleration of most business processes by conducting them electronically. In the mid-1990s. Around the world, an active growth of intensity in the field of electronic commerce began, numerous sellers of traditional goods appeared.

E-commerce uses many different technologies: EDI, e-mail, Internet, Intranet, Extranet.

The most advanced information technology used by e-commerce is the Electronic Data Interchange Protocol (EDI), which eliminates the need for processing, mailing and additional input of paper documents to computers.

E-commerce on the Internet can be divided into two categories: B2C - "company-consumer" and B2B - "company-company".

The basic model of type B2C (business-to-business) trade is retail online stores, which represent a developed structure for satisfying consumer demand.

B2C e-commerce within the Internet has gained new meaning. The B2B market was created for organizations in order to maintain interaction between companies and their suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. The B2B market is able to open up great opportunities compared to the B2C trade sector.

The main B2B model is retail online stores, which are technically a combination of an electronic storefront and a trading system.

To purchase any product in the online store, the buyer must go to the website of the online store. This website is an electronic showcase where the product catalog, required interface elements for entering registration information, placing an order, making payments via the Internet, etc. are presented. In online stores, customers register when placing an order or entering a store.

An online store is located on the Internet server, which is a Web site with active content. Its basis is a catalog of products with prices containing complete information about each product.

Storefronts perform the following functions:

providing an interface to the database of the goods offered;

work with the electronic “basket” of the buyer;

placing orders and choosing the method of payment and delivery;

customer registration;

on-line customer assistance;

collecting marketing information;

ensuring the security of personal information of customers;

automatic transfer of information to the trading system.

The buyer who chooses the product, you must fill out a special form that includes the method of payment and delivery of the goods. After placing the order, all the collected information about the buyer is transferred from the storefront to the online store trading system. The presence of the required goods is checked in the trading system. If there is no product at the moment, the store sends a request to the supplier, and the delay time is reported to the buyer.

After payment of the goods when it is transferred to the buyer need to confirm the fact of the order, with most of this using email. If the buyer can pay for the goods via the Internet, the payment system is used.

The most popular purchases in online stores include: software; computers and accessories; tourist service; Financial services; books, video tapes, disks, etc.


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