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Текстовые редакторы для кода , интегрированные среды для веб-разработки (IDE), облачные IDE


  1. IDE
  2. Light editors
  3. My editors
  4. We will not quarrel

There are two types of editors: IDE and "light".

The difference between them is that the IDE loads the entire project as a whole, so it can provide auto-completion on the functions of the entire project, easy navigation through its files, etc.

Easy editors - edit a specific file (or several) and are unaware of the links between them.

Some IDEs can be used as lightweight editors, but usually IDEs are harder, harder and slower.

You definitely need a good editor.

The one you choose should have in your arsenal:

  1. Syntax highlighting.
  2. Autocompletion
  3. "Folding" (from the English. Folding) - the ability to hide-open the code block.


If you haven't thought about it yet, have a look at the following options.

  • IntelliJ products: WebStorm, as well as depending on the additional programming language PHPPStorm (PHP), IDEA (Java), RubyMine (Ruby) and others.
  • Visual Studio, combined with the development under .NET (Win)
  • Eclipse-based products, in particular Aptana and Zend Studio
  • Komodo IDE and its light version of Komodo Edit.
  • Netbeans

Almost all of them, with the exception of Visual Studio, are cross-platform.

Sorting in this list means nothing. The choice is made to taste and other technologies that need to be used with JavaScript.

Most IDEs are paid, with the ability to download and use for some time for free. But their cost, compared with the salary of a web developer, is small, so you can focus on convenience.

Light editors

Such editors are not as powerful as IDE, but they are fast and simple, they start instantly.

As a rule, IDE is a powerful editor, with an emphasis on projects. A "light" editors are designed primarily for editing individual files. In practice, the border between the IDE and the “light” editor can be blurred, and arguing what the editor is and what the IDE does not make sense.

Worth attention:

  • Sublime Text (cross-platform, shareware).
  • TextMate (Mac, Paid)
  • SciTe is simple, lightweight and very fast (free Windows).
  • Notepad ++ (Windows, free).
  • Vim, Emacs. If you know how to cook them.

Choose any of the above listed editor, the main thing is that he should be able to do something other than a simple notebook.

My editors

Personally, my favorite editors are:

  • Like IDE - editors from Jetbrains: for pure JavaScript WebStorm, if there is some other language, then depending on the language: PHPStorm (PHP), IDEA (Java), RubyMine (Ruby). They have other editors for different languages, but I did not use them.
  • As a quick editor - Sublime Text.
  • Sometimes Visual Studio, if the development goes under the platform .NET (Win).

If you do not know what to choose - you can look at them

We will not quarrel

The lists above list the editors that I or my friends use — good developers. Of course, there are other great editors, if you like something, use it.

The choice of the editor, as well as of any tool, is in many respects individual and depends on your projects, habits, personal preferences.

‹Reference books and specifications


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