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11.2. The method of planning the work of the class teacher


The effectiveness of the class teacher is largely determined by competent work planning, which involves the preparation of various types of documentation.

When planning the work of a class teacher, it is necessary to consider: 1) the results of previous work and the conclusions obtained in the course of its analysis; 2) educational, organizational and pedagogical tasks; 3) materials, pedagogical and methodical recommendations for working with students and the class collective, parents; 4) best practices of the country, city, school; 5) the capabilities of parents and the public; 6) the educational potential of the social environment of schools, enterprises, cultural institutions; 7) traditional holidays of the school year; 8) events and facts related to the life of a country, city, village; 9) events, dates related to the life and activities of prominent people; 10) the traditions of the school and classroom staff; 11) events held by nearby cultural institutions; 12) plans for the school team; 13) previous work plans of the classroom teacher and class teacher.

Depending on personal attitudes and style of work, the class teacher may make various plans:

• a classroom education program;

• work plan for the year, semester, quarter, month, week, day;

• plan of work in the most important area for a certain period (month, year, several years), for example, on moral education of students, career guidance;

• plan for the preparation and conduct of educational activities and parental meetings;

• a plan for working with a creative association, parent committee, etc .;

• self-education plan for the improvement of pedagogical skills.

The program of educational work in the classroom is the most difficult type of planning, since it involves serious analytical work and the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the teacher. The program differs from the plan of educational work by the fact that it must reflect the parameters justifying: a) why these areas of activity were chosen to work with this class; b) what logic underlies the intended work and how it is justified; c) how exactly will the preparation and conduct of various types and forms of work take place (with the collective as a whole, self-government bodies, parents, teachers and the public).


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work