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3.5. Methods of creating an educational system


The successes, vividly demonstrated by the schools in which the developed educational system operates, initiate teaching teams to create educational systems on the basis of their own educational institutions. Because of this, the method of creating the educational system of the school has become relevant.

The creation of the educational system of the school involves six stages.

1. Study of the situation at school: interests, needs of students and teachers, creative abilities of all stakeholders, level of development of pedagogical and student groups, nature of their interaction, etc. For this, various methods of pedagogical research are used: observation, interview, questioning, study school documentation, the creation of special situations, etc. On the basis of studying the initial state of the object, an analysis is carried out, during which it is advisable to formulate problems, losing the life of the school at this stage, its development as a system.

2. Development of the concept of educational system. To do this, it is necessary to clearly formulate the purpose of its creation, that is, to model the “final product” - the identity of the graduate school. The most effective is the inclusion in the process of goal-setting of all participants in the pedagogical process. It can be productive organizational activity games with teachers, high school students, a group of parents. In the process of these games are determined by the qualities of the personality, which should have a graduate of this school. As a result, it produces a generalized image.

3. Formulation of the main ideas (principles) of creating an educational system in accordance with the goal, defining the system-forming activities and the main ways of organizing the life of the school community. It is advisable to integrate the activities of teachers, students and their parents into the so-called pedagogical (educational) complexes (V. A. Karakovsky), considered as a set of scientifically grounded and practically verified educational tools and organizational forms, applied taking into account the general system, the whole variety of conditions and factors education. In fact, all aspects of the process of education are concentrated in these complexes, as a result of which it becomes holistic. Pedagogical (educational) complexes can have various forms: educational centers, club centers, unequal-age community, supporting (key) cases, etc.

The pedagogical (educational) complex within the educational system of the school should also be a lesson, since cognitive activity is basic for the students during the entire time they are in school. In the educational system of the school, this activity must certainly become a system-forming one, but this most often does not occur immediately, because it is far from always personally relevant for each child. From 10–11 years, communication is most attractive for teenagers, and if a lesson becomes an organic element of the educational system, then this is primarily due to its transformation into a communication lesson.

4. Development of a model of pedagogical interaction based on the leading ideas underlying the educational system; the creation of self- and co-management bodies aimed at improving the life of the team.

5. Development of criteria for the effectiveness of the educational system of the school (an obligatory stage!) Having objective and subjective indicators. The objective indicators are the compliance of the social, material, spiritual and cultural conditions of the child’s life with the basic norms of nutrition, life, recreation, study, legal protection adopted in modern society. Subjective indicators characterize the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of children with their social security.

6. Correction of the main conceptual ideas and the content of activities in accordance with objective and subjective factors. The need for this stage is due to the fact that ideas, sociocultural realities and ideas constantly arise and disappear in society; In the life of the school, new ways of interaction between children are born, certain kinds of activities, organizational structures appear; vital activity of the team is complicated and streamlined. All this must be comprehended and taken into account in the formation of the goals and content of the educational system of the school.

Thus, the method of creating the educational system of the school reflects the totality of the successively carried out actions: 1) the design of the educational process, including the definition of the purpose and specific objectives of education (the purpose of education); 2) determination of the volume and nature of the material (labor, environmental), social (collective, communicative), spiritual (emotionally sensual, cognitive, value-oriented) activity of pupils (content of education); 3) the organization of various activities that allow to realize the goals set in the course of applying the methods, forms and means of education (methods, techniques, forms and means of education); 4) regulation of interpersonal interaction and its correction in the process of implementing various activities and communication (pedagogical interaction in education; the collective as an object and subject of education); 5) control and summing up, establishing the ratio between the obtained and planned results, analysis of achievements and failures (class teacher activities); 6) correction of the educational system in accordance with the current trends in the development of the socio-cultural environment (national identity of upbringing, education of the culture of interethnic communication).


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work