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10.3. Methods of formation and development of the team


The team is a dynamic union. The driving force of its development is the struggle of contradictions arising between the achieved and planned prospects, the interests of the collective and its individual members, the needs of the individual and the possibilities of satisfying them in a collective environment.

In domestic pedagogy, the concept has been established, according to which the team goes through three stages in its development.

At the first stage, the teacher sets the requirements for the pupils, who organizes activities for the implementation of these requirements on the basis of students' endeavors of near, middle and long-term perspectives (a system of promising lines).

At the second stage, the requirements for the team are made by the formed asset - the self-government bodies that organize the activities of the students. The position of the educator becomes hidden, conditions are created for the implementation of the principle of parallel action, when the educator influences the team through self-government bodies that affect the pupils in the same direction as the educator.

At the third stage, the asset is significantly expanded due to the variety of activities, internal and external relations, increasing the activity of all team members. At this stage, we can talk about the current system of self-government. This is not only the presence of the organs of the collective, but also, what is most important, the empowerment of them with real powers transferred by the teachers. Only with powers appear duties, and with them the need for self-government.

The process of team development is not viewed as a smooth transition from one stage to another, but as a process of qualitative transformation, in which each successive stage does not replace the previous one, but is added to it.

The team can not and should not stop in its development, even if it has reached a very high level. Because of this, some teachers distinguish the fourth and subsequent stages of the movement. At these stages, each schoolchild, thanks to a well-learned collective experience, makes certain demands on himself, the fulfillment of moral standards becomes his need, the process of upbringing passes into the process of self-education.

A different dynamics of the development of the collective is presented in the studies of L. I. Umansky, who determined that the children's group becomes a collective with a stable manifestation of a number of essential features at their highest degree, which is graphically represented in the table. 2

table 2

The level of development of the group: Group-conglomerate

Characteristics of the level: The union of previously unfamiliar children who have no common goal or the goal is attributed from outside; relationships and interactions are situational

The level of development of the group: Group Association

Characteristics of the level: the group acts as a primary team in which the goals of each person are projected by the task

The level of development of the group: Group cooperation

Level characteristics: A successful organizational structure has emerged, there is a high level of group preparedness and cooperation; communication is businesslike

Level of development of the group: Group-autonomy

Characteristics of the level: There is a high internal unity in all substructures and general qualities, except for intergroup activity; there is a process of isolation, internal cohesion and cohesion

Level of development of the group: Group-corporation

Characteristics of the level: Hyperavtonization takes place, the goals are closed within themselves, the “group egoism” is pronounced.

The level of development of the group: Group-team

Level Characteristics: Inter-group communication and interaction are in place, the group becomes an organic part of a wider community.

Studies have shown that the proposed levels can be considered as stages of development of contact groups as teams. Each previous stage prepares the next, and overcoming the contradictions between them is the driving force behind the development of a particular group in the peculiar external and internal conditions of its formation.

The most important means of forming a team are educational and other types of diverse socially useful activities of schoolchildren, which should be based on the following factors: a) skillful presentation of pedagogical requirements; b) the formation of a healthy public opinion; c) the organization of exciting prospects; d) self-government organizations; e) creating and multiplying the positive traditions of collective life.

Pedagogical requirement as a factor in the formation of the team:

• helps to quickly establish order and establish discipline in the school, brings the spirit of organization into the activities of the students;

• acts as a tool for guiding and managing students, i.e., as a method of pedagogical activity;

• excites internal contradictions in the process of education and stimulates the development of students;

• promotes the strengthening of spiritual relationships and gives them a social focus.

The presentation of requirements is closely related to the schooling and exercise of students. When implementing the requirements, it is necessary to take into account the mood of the students and the public opinion of the team. It is important that the teacher’s requirement is supported, if not by all, by the majority of its members. An asset helps the teacher to achieve this.

Public opinion in a team is a set of those social assessments that are given among the pupils to various phenomena and facts of collective life. There are two main ways of forming a healthy public opinion in a team: establishing practical activities and conducting organizational and outreach activities in the form of conversations, meetings, fees, etc.

Thanks to a healthy public opinion, the method of parallel action is implemented at a higher level . Each member of the team is under the "parallel" influence of at least three forces: the educator, the asset and the whole team. The impact is carried out both directly by the educator and indirectly through the asset and the team.

Of great importance for the formation of a collective is the organization of the perspective aspirations of the pupils, who constitute the essence of the law of movement of the collective, formulated by A. S. Makarenko. If the development and strengthening of the team depends on the content and dynamics of its activities, then it must constantly move forward and strive for new and new successes. The halt leads to its weakening and disintegration, therefore the necessary conditions for the development of the team are the formulation and gradual complication of practical goals capable of enticing and rallying the pupils, i.e. the prospects: a) loved ones (“tomorrow's joy”); b) medium (a project of a collective event, somewhat postponed in time); c) distant (pushed aside in time, the most socially significant and requiring considerable effort to achieve the goal). In their unity and aggregate, all types of goals constitute a system of promising lines, which should permeate the entire vital activity of a collective.

An important condition for the development of a collective is the organization of self-government, which cannot be created “from above,” but must grow “from below”, being determined by the need for self-organization of certain types of activities. Self-management in the primary team and throughout the pedagogical system should be based on the following algorithm:

1) the division of a particular case into finished parts and volumes;

2) the formation of microgroups, respectively, of the parts and volumes of the planned case;

3) selection of responsible for each area of ​​activity; association responsible in a single body of self-government;

4) selection of the main responsible person.

Thus, school bodies of self-government are created depending on the specific types of activities that are busy preparing and which students are currently involved in. Many self-governing bodies are temporary, they are created for a specific purpose, and they are never formed in advance, which allows us to vary the relations of leadership — subordination.

The highest school self-government body is the general school team meeting.

The pedagogical leadership of the school government should find its expression only in determining the strategic directions of the children’s activities, rendering them help in the form of advice and recommendations. The main pedagogical conditions for the functioning of school self-government include: a) periodic replacement of self-government bodies and elected authorized persons; b) the mandatory availability of a system of step responsibility of self-government bodies and their periodic reporting; c) the presence of game elements, the introduction of appropriate attributes into the self-government system.

An important factor in the formation of a collective is the accumulation and strengthening of traditions, by which we understand the forms of collective life, most clearly, emotionally and expressively embodying the character of collectivist relations and public opinion. In the structure of traditions, one can distinguish large, i.e., vibrant mass events, the preparation and conduct of which bring up a sense of pride in their collective, faith in its strength, respect for public opinion, and small, everyday, everyday ones that teach to maintain the established order, producing steady behavior habits.

A. S. Makarenko wrote that nothing strengthens the team like tradition. Because of this, cultivating traditions and preserving them is an important task of educational work with the team.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work