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13.1. Actual problems of modern education


The national education system, as well as the state of Russian pedagogy as a whole, is today characterized as crisis and to highlight in it a whole range of actual problems.

First of all, this is a problem related to the search for ways to revive the feeling of true patriotism as a spiritual, moral and social value in Russian society. The feeling of patriotism is unthinkable without a national identity based on a sense of spiritual connection with the native people. Historical experience shows that ignorance of the culture of its people, its past and present, leads to the destruction of the connection between generations - the connection of times, which causes irreparable damage to the development of man and the people as a whole. Because of this, there is an acute need to revive and develop the national identity of all, even the smallest peoples of Russia. This is the meaning of the existence of the Russian school, its activities in line with the revival of the spiritual traditions of national education.

The Russian Federation is a country in which different nations, ethnic groups, ethnic and religious groups live. For many decades, upbringing was based on the idea of ​​rapprochement, merging nations and creating a non-national community. Modern Russian society lives in conditions of particularly high social anxiety, since clashes in everyday life, public transport, and the sphere of trade are easily transferred to interethnic relations. The explosion of national hatred prompts to analyze the origins of such phenomena, to realize their causes - and not only socio-economic, but also pedagogical. Because of this, the problem of forming a culture of interethnic communication as an effective means to achieve harmony between people, representatives of different nations and nationalities is of particular relevance.

The reality of modern Russian society is the fact that more and more nations and nationalities declare complete independence, and Russia is filled with refugees from all the republics of the former Soviet Union. At the same time, there is a rise in extremism, aggressiveness, the expansion of conflict zones and conflict situations. These social phenomena particularly affect young people, who are characterized by maximalism and the desire for simple and fast solutions to complex social problems. Under these conditions, the formation of the ethics of student behavior in a multinational environment and the education of interethnic tolerance are of paramount importance. The activity of all social institutions, and first of all schools, should be directed towards solving this task. It is in the school community that the child can and should shape humanistic values ​​and real readiness for tolerant behavior.

The trends of social development characteristic of today's Russian reality have actualized the problem of family education. The large-scale crisis that afflicted our country had a negative impact on the material and moral health of the family as an institution of the child’s natural biological and social protection and exposed many social problems (increase in the number of children born out of wedlock; social disorganization of families; material and housing difficulties of parents; unhealthy relations between weakness of moral principles and negative phenomena associated with the degradation of the personality of an adult - alcoholism, drug addiction, malicious evasion of duty nd on raising a child). As a result of this, the number of dysfunctional families is growing.

A striking manifestation of family distress is the increase in violence against children, which has many forms - from emotional and moral pressure to the use of physical force. According to statistics, about two million children under the age of 14 suffer from the arbitrariness of parents every year. Every tenth of them die, and two thousand commit suicide. Because of this, the search for ways to increase the effectiveness of family education is named among the priority areas of the Federal Target Program “Children of Russia” (2003–2006), which puts the solution to this problem to be of paramount importance in educational theory and practice.

These, from our point of view, are the most urgent problems of modern upbringing, on the successful solution of which the fate of the younger generation and the nation as a whole depends.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work