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12.2. Methods of conducting extracurricular educational work


The following features are characteristic of extracurricular educational work:

a) the absence of strict regulation, the ability to fully rely on the initiative of the children themselves, the freedom to choose the content, forms, means and methods of conducting educational work;

b) a great responsibility of the teacher, manifested in the need to independently develop areas of educational activity and to form its content without relying on basic plans and programs;

c) lack of control over the results of work, which, on the one hand, makes it difficult to evaluate activities, and on the other hand, it allows to create a more natural environment and contributes to informal communication;

d) conducting extracurricular time (at recess, on holidays and weekends, on holidays);

e) a wide range of opportunities to attract the social experience of parents and other adults.

The specificity of extracurricular educational work is manifested at the level of the following tasks:

• formation of a child's positive “I-concept” as a combination of three factors: confidence in the friendly attitude of other people towards him, conviction in successful mastering of one or another type of activity, a sense of self-worth;

• developing children's skills of cooperation and teamwork;

• formation of the need for children in productive, socially approved activities through acquaintance with its various types, interest in this activity in accordance with the child’s personality, as well as the necessary skills;

• the formation of the moral, emotional, volitional components of the children's worldview;

• development of cognitive interest.

The listed tasks define the main directions of extracurricular activities, which should be determined in accordance with the class features, capabilities, abilities and desires of the teacher, traditions of school-wide extracurricular work, etc.

Forms of extracurricular work can be selected in accordance with the directions of education, which is clearly presented in Table. 3

Areas of educational work:Mental education

Forms of extracurricular educational work: Quiz, auction of knowledge, “What? Where? When? ”, Meeting of the curious club, competition of scholars, competition of scholars, business games, knowledge review, scientific conferences of students, competition of inventors and dreamers, tournament of speakers, various forms of working with a book (reader conferences, etc.), an oral journal and other

Areas of educational work: Moral education and self-education

Forms of extracurricular educational work: “Round table”, press conferences, disputes, questions and answers evenings, conversations on ethical topics, literature review on various issues, literary and musical compositions, practical exercises such as “Culture of communication”, “Unity of rights and duties ", Correspondence travel, charity actions, search activity, etc.

Directions of educational work: Labor education and career guidance

Forms of extracurricular educational work: "Workshop of Santa Claus", circle "Skillful hands", "Knizhkina hospital", a repair workshop of the class, patronage work; meetings with representatives of different professions, an excursion to production, etc.

Directions of educational work: Aesthetic education

Forms of extracurricular educational work: Literary and musical evenings and matinees, "Poetry Hour", excursions to museums and exhibitions, walks in nature, discussions about music and painting, a cool disco evening, art festivals, release of manuscript almanacs, etc.

Directions of educational work: Physical education

Forms of extracurricular educational work: "Fun Starts", small Olympic games, hiking and relay races, meetings with representatives of various sports, sports evenings and matinees, discussions about hygiene, health, physical education, etc.

12.2.  Methods of conducting extracurricular educational work


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work