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10.2. The interaction of personality and team


The process of inclusion of the student in the system of collective relations is complex, ambiguous, often contradictory and deeply individual. Schoolchildren - future members of the team differ from each other in their health, appearance, character traits, degree of sociability, knowledge, skills, and many other traits and qualities. Therefore, they are differently included in the system of collective relations, cause unequal response from comrades, have a different impact on the team.

The position of the individual in the system of collective relations depends largely on its individual social experience, which determines the nature of its judgments, the system of value orientations, the line of conduct. This experience may or may not correspond to the judgments, values ​​and traditions of behavior prevailing in the team. There are three most common patterns of development of relations between the individual and the team: 1) the person submits to the team (she can either obey the requirements of the team naturally and voluntarily, or give it as an external superior force, or try to continue to maintain her independence and individuality, submitting to the team only externally formally); 2) the person and the team are in optimal relationships; 3) the person subordinates the collective to itself.

The relationship of a person with a group of peers at different age stages is different. In the first year of study, they are largely determined by the teacher through the organization of children's learning activities. Younger schoolchildren cooperate with each other primarily as representatives of a certain social community - students. The nature of their interpersonal relationships is primarily due to the influence of the teacher, his assessment, and the assertion of human values ​​in the classroom and norms of communication. The organization, under the guidance of a teacher of extracurricular interesting collective cases, helps to establish in the class a microclimate of cooperation, mutual assistance, understanding and friendship, that is, to create a certain socio-cultural environment for the positive development of the personality.

In high school, the nominal education "class" becomes real. Children have a feeling of “we are a community”, “we are a team”, which is expressed in the desire to declare oneself not only in the classroom, but also in the framework of school life. The activity that is being formed at this age acquires the character of a developed cooperation on the basis of an independent goal setting, a plan, a general anticipation of results. Relationships of adolescents become more selective and steady friendly associations emerge. The goal of interaction is the desire to be and act together, to make a personal contribution to the achievement of a common result.

Given the characteristics of the adolescent (the desire for social community, unity with peers, combined with independence), the teacher predominantly takes the position of indirect influence on the nature of collective connections and relationships, encouraging schoolchildren to take initiative and creativity. The more personally significant motives of children are involved in joint activities, the more interesting it becomes for them. By organizing microcollections by interests, the teacher attracts students to classes in circles, sections, and school-wide events.

The peculiarity of relations between high school students is the desire to "broadcast" significant individual qualities to peers and the group's willingness to integrate the individual manifestations of classmates for the successful implementation of group activities. Older adolescents are characterized by a pronounced orientation towards their future life, profession, an expanded sphere of social contacts, and a fairly high level of development of self-awareness. Given these features, the teacher creates the conditions for a wide and multifaceted manifestation of independence, self-organization, initiative of the classroom team. In such a collective, the unique personality of a teenager is revealed in an atmosphere of creative self-realization.

Thus, throughout school age, the children's team under the guidance of a teacher becomes a sociocultural education with a developed system of social connections and unification of children seeking common goals, cooperation, and achievement of significant results.

Describing the characteristics of the children's team at different age stages, it is possible to highlight some common points related to the entry of a person into a society. This process, according to A. V. Petrovsky, includes several phases.

1. Adaptation of the individual in a team implies the active assimilation by it of the norms acting in a given community and mastering the appropriate forms and means of activity.

2. Individualization of the individual in a team is generated by the contradiction between the adaptation achieved by it in the team and the unmet need for maximum personalization.

3. The integration of the individual in the team is manifested in the fact that the collective accepts the personality, evaluates its individual characteristics. The person in turn establishes a cooperative relationship with team members. During this period, she has the opportunity to more fully manifest her individuality and creative contribution to collective activity.

The collective fully manifests its positive role in the development of the personality under the condition that the subject passes through all phases successfully, which leads to the development of a social orientation and the formation of the subject position of the individual in communication and cooperation with other people.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work