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4.3. Methods of setting goals of education


The problem of goals of education and goal setting is among the most important problems in pedagogy. Any activity arises because a person has a goal. What the school and each teacher are striving for is a key issue in educational activities. Goals define the principles, content, forms and methods of education. Wrong goal - the cause of many failures and mistakes in educational work. The effectiveness of educational activities is evaluated primarily in terms of the goal, so it is very important to correctly define it.

The specific goal of the educator’s activity contains a number of particular goals, which are commonly regarded as educational tasks, reflecting the installation on a specific educational event, a certain length of time, etc. Thus, during the educational process, the teacher deals with the system of goals that form the hierarchical structure: 1) general (general) goal, corresponding to the ideas of society about the ideal of the person and indicating the general directions of activity for all educational institutions of the society, is determined the nature of pedagogical activity in general; 2) pedagogical goals at a certain stage of personality formation; 3) operational goals that are set during a separate lesson or educational event.

For the effectiveness of the educational process and the achievement of the final result, not only the goal itself is important, but also how it is determined, developed, and put. The goal becomes the driving force of the educational process, if it is significant for all its participants. This is achieved as a result of well-organized goal-setting, which in pedagogical science is considered as a process that includes: a) justification and nomination of goals; b) identifying ways to achieve them; c) design of the expected result.

Goal setting is successful if it is based on the following requirements.

1. Diagnostics - the nomination, justification and adjustment of goals based on the constant study of the needs and abilities of the participants of the pedagogical process, as well as the conditions of educational work.

2. Reality - the nomination and justification of goals, taking into account the possibilities of a particular situation, real conditions, the security of a goal with the necessary resources for its realization.

3. Attractiveness - compliance of the goal with the aspirations and desires of members of the school team, social order from the state and society, features and capabilities of the educational institution and the nearest social environment.

4. Continuity - the implementation of links between all goals and objectives in the educational process (private and general, individual and group, etc.), the nomination and justification of goals at each stage of educational activities, the possibility of dividing the main goal into components (creating a "tree of goals ").

5. Identification - is achieved through inclusion in the process of goal-setting of all participants in the activity.

6. Focus on results is the possibility of “measuring” the results of achieving the goal, which is the case if the goals of education are clearly and specifically defined.

Conditionally there are the following types of goal-setting: free, rigid and integrated, combining elements of the first two types.

With a free goal-setting, all participants in the interaction develop, design their own goals, draw up an action plan in the process of intellectual communication and joint search. With hard goal-setting goals and action programs are given to students from the outside (teacher). With integrated goal-setting, the goals of the group can be set from outside by the teacher, group leader, but the ways to achieve them are developed in the process of a joint search, taking into account the interests and needs of children.

For specific groups and conditions of their activity all types of goal setting are real. The type of goal-setting depends on the characteristics of the association (age, quantitative and qualitative composition of the group, the duration of its existence, the way of occurrence), the availability of the content of the activity, and the skill of the teachers. Of course, the most effective free goal setting.

Methods of setting goals for education also include the definition of specific tasks, among which there are two main types: 1) educational tasks focused on the development of students, their relationships with people and the world, the group of children and relations in it; 2) organizational and pedagogical tasks aimed at organizing the educational process.

It should be remembered that the educational tasks may be the same for groups, groups of children and individual students. Organizational and pedagogical tasks are defined and concretized depending on the conditions, possibilities, and needs of the children and, therefore, will differ in each specific case.

Thus, pedagogical goal setting in the most general form can be conditionally represented by the following stages: 1) diagnostics of the educational process, analysis of the results of previous joint activities of the participants of the work; 2) modeling by teachers of educational goals and objectives, possible outcomes; 3) the organization of the collective purposeful activities of teachers, students, parents, the definition of vital tasks; 4) clarification by teachers of educational goals and objectives, making adjustments to the initial ideas, drawing up a program of pedagogical actions for their implementation, taking into account the proposals of children, parents and predicted results.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work