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Section IV. Formation of value relation to the social structure of human life


Homeland as a place where a person was born and knew the happiness of life. Nature of the motherland. Native language. Traditions, customs, customs of the motherland. The history of the motherland. The concept of compatriot. National features of people's lives. Features of the life of a multinational society. Internationalism as a moral quality of a person. Patriotism as a relation to the Fatherland. Patriotic feelings. Acts of expression of patriotism. Promoting the good of the Motherland as an element of modern life.

Society as a social environment of man. Society as a set of people connected by economic, industrial and spiritual interests.

Society as a factor in human development. The conditions of spiritual life in society. Core values ​​of social life.

The differences of people in society: the rich and the poor, the good and the evil, active and passive, moral and immoral, creators and consumers. Differences age, national, regional, professional, psychological, sex. Western European and Eastern culture.

The dream of mankind about a fair society. The eternal idea of ​​socialism. Historical experience of creating a fair society. Historical figures in the movement for a just society.

The memory of mankind about the merits of heroes. Unnamed heroes, homage to them.

The role of the individual in the development of society: what can an individual? The duty of man in relation to society. The duty of society in relation to the individual.

Specific identification of social life in the object-real space, people's behavior, material support, the level of spiritual needs and concern for spiritual culture. The balance of material and spiritual as an indicator of the culture of society.

The deed of an individual in the context of social development. Functions vocational and public functions. Types of social activities. Selflessness as the basis of social activity.

Social event as an indicator of social development: holidays, achievements, discoveries, disasters, wars, scandals.

The state as a regulatory apparatus of public life. The attitude of a person to the attributes of state power: law, court, army, police, government. The people and the state. Democratic state as the power of the people. The dream of mankind about the democratic structure of the state. Ways of relations between the state and citizens.

Press, radio, television as the spokesmen of public and state life. The role of public communications in the life of an individual.


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