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7.3. Methods of organizing and conducting a collective creative business


The event, conducted on the basis of the collective creative business (KTD) methodology, which is a component of the collective creative education technology (TOC) of I. P. Ivanov, is being implemented as an important event, carried out by team members for the benefit and joy of someone, including to myself. The organization and carrying out of KTD provides six consecutive stages.

1. Preliminary work. Teachers and other adults establish the place of the upcoming KTD in the system of educational work planned for the new period with this team; determine specific educational tasks; select options for performing KTD, which can be offered to children; think through ways to implement their ideas with the active involvement of children; outlines actions that can set up children to work; determine the possibilities of enhancing the activities of each participant. The teacher ponders the idea of ​​the upcoming business, creative deeds for each micro-collective, assignments for the chefs, parents, and other teachers. At the end of this stage, targeting conversations with children are held in order to interest them in the upcoming business.

2. Collective planning. At the general gathering-start, the head puts the questions in front of the class: “What business should you do?”, “To the joy and benefit of whom?”, “With whom to spend it together?”, “Where to spend?” These questions are discussed in micro collectives, and the head is unnoticed throws ideas to them. At this stage, the children themselves are looking for answers to the questions posed. Adults are equal participants in a dialogue with children. The success of the collection-start is largely provided by the presenter. He presents for discussion options for the implementation of the KTD, asks suggestive, clarifying questions, proposes to justify the ideas put forward, puts additional “thinking tasks”. As a result, the best option is chosen. To implement it, a governing body is elected - the Council of the case, which includes representatives of each microgroup who will coordinate the preparation of the CTD.

3. Collective preparation of the case. Microgroups (brigades, links), formed in accordance with the types of work required to conduct a particular case, discuss how they will carry out their work areas. The Council of Affairs clarifies the plan for the preparation and conduct of the KTD, identifying "falling links", that is, areas of work that are insufficiently prepared or cannot be prepared at all. At this stage, initiating and encouraging the initiative of each member of the Council of affairs plays an important role. Here, the role of an adult is great: not allowing open pressure, it comradely encourages children to purposefully, creatively and independently participate in the implementation of a collective plan. Teacher imperceptibly, “in secret” controls the course of training, helping those who are lagging behind, redistributing, if necessary, areas of work and alignment of forces.

4. Conduct CTD. At this stage, a specific plan is drawn up, taking into account the developments of microgroups. Students demonstrate the experience gained during the planning and preparation of the case. The teacher (if possible imperceptibly for all KTD participants and those for whom it is organized), guides the activities of children, regulates their mood, helps to smooth out failures. Sometimes he can play the role of a “good wizard” by including surprise moments and unplanned actions in the KTD script. We must strive to hold any KTD in the form of a holiday in which everyone will participate.

5. Collective summing up of the KTD. Most often, the results of KTD are summed up in a general gathering- “fire”, where a collective answer to the questions “What was good and why?”, “What did not work and why?”, “What will we do in the future?” Is usually formulated or in groups express their opinions, discuss the positive and negative aspects of the preparation and holding of the KTD. In addition to the general collection, other means may also be involved: a survey, a wall newspaper questioning, creative reports. The leader sums up and reports them to parents and chefs.

6. Aftermath (using the experience of the work done). At the general meeting they discuss what has been achieved, what else can and would like to be done, conceive and discuss the new KTD. Most often in the questionnaire, children and adults put forward proposals, share their impressions, experiences, talk about what they have learned. A program of sequential actions is planned, new collective creative affairs are defined.

Below are some of the techniques used in almost all stages of the CTD:

• the main purpose of the case is formulated either by the children themselves or by adults, but in this case it should be attractive to students and understandable to them;

• when preparing and conducting KTD, it is necessary to create microgroups, each of which has its own specific area of ​​work for solving particular tasks or performing creative tasks;

• discussion of the main issues related to the choice of KTD and the nature of its conduct, takes place in the form of “brainstorming”, when schoolchildren in groups, exchanging opinions, look for the best options, create a bank of ideas, that is, offer a set of possible solutions;

• the selection of ideas, in which it is necessary to choose one or two from a variety of possible options, should be carried out according to the principle “reject - offer”, “object essentially”, “criticize a point of view, not a person”;

• If it is difficult to choose the best idea, ideas are defended; each team member or microgroup defends his or her version, then the result of this search is summed up and as a result a final decision is born;

• when summarizing the results of the KTD, it is necessary to objectively and to appreciate the contribution of each.

In order to ensure the implementation of the educational potential of a KTD, the teacher must observe certain conditions: 1) the sequence of actions (stages) must not be disturbed when preparing and conducting any KTD; 2) it is unacceptable to distort the role that is defined by the teacher as the eldest companion; 3) the preparation and conduct of any CTD requires that adults with children rely on the experience of previous cases; 4) it is necessary to take into account the experience and knowledge of students gained in the educational process and life; 5) the ideas of taking care of oneself, other people, parents and relatives, the world around should be embodied in each KTD.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work