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3.3. Management of the educational system of the school


Management of the educational system of the school occurs both from the inside and from the outside. Outside management is carried out by the public education authorities in order to create conditions conducive to the emergence, development and improvement of the educational system of the school. These are theoretical equipment of teachers, familiarizing them with the best experiences of the present and the past, supporting the first achievements of schools that have taken the path of system education, creating a friendly attitude to their experience. Management from the inside is mainly the organization of joint activities and communication of children and the adjustment of relations that arise in the children's environment.

The main functions of the management of the educational system of the school are assigned to the deputy director for educational work - a representative of the school administration, the main teacher-educator who organizes and directs the educational activities of adults and extracurricular activities of children.

The main goal of the deputy director for educational work is to create a system of after-school educational work with students. Realization of this goal is carried out by him in the course of solving the following tasks: 1) asserting a person’s personality as an absolute value; 2) introducing the conceptual foundations of humanistic education into the school’s work; 3) determining the educational environment; 4) creating a program for the education of school students; 5) ensuring new approaches to the organization of the educational process (system-structural, humanistic, culturological, organizational-activity, personality-oriented, integrated, etc.); 6) the organization of the activities of the team, working with local authorities; 7) identify the level of education of the individual student.

The functional responsibilities of the deputy director for educational work include the implementation of a number of functions: analytical and controlling, organizational and coordination, methodological, and integration.

In the course of performing the analytical and controlling function, he: a) analyzes the educational activities in the school; b) analyzes the nature of the development of the school team, the level of education of students, identifies together with the class teachers "at risk"; b) analyzes and controls the work of class teachers in order to determine the content and quality of work according to generally accepted criteria; d) analyzes and controls the work of school associations (sections, studios).

In the course of performing the coordination function: a) plans and organizes a variety of educational activities of the school team; b) assists class teachers, day caregivers, subject teachers, additional education teachers in the preparation and coordination of educational work plans; c) together with the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, coordinates the work of subject teachers in the organization of extracurricular educational activities; d) organizes the work of the school student government; e) together with the administration and the teachers, prepares and conducts pedagogical councils and psychological and pedagogical consultations; e) coordinates the work of teachers of additional education.

In the course of performing the methodological function: a) consults class teachers, day caregivers, teachers of additional education on the method of conducting extracurricular activities; b) compiles and selects methodological developments of class hours, holiday scenarios and other school activities; c) participates in the development and approval of criteria for evaluating the activities of class teachers and teachers of additional education.

In the course of performing the integration function: a) communicates and engages various institutions and organizations in joint activities with the school; b) maintains constant communication with municipal authorities on the organization of educational activities with students; c) attracts parental assets and public organizations.

The deputy director for educational work has the right: 1) to create the educational system of the school on the basis of the theoretical concept developed by the teaching staff; 2) to participate in school management, to recommend the appointment of creative and experienced teachers to the position of class teachers, educators, leaders of children's associations; 3) to coordinate the educational work of class teachers, educators, counselors, teachers, organizers; 4) to choose and freely use in the work variative pedagogical technologies (to determine the tasks, content, means, forms and methods of education); 5) to take part in the certification of teachers; 6) to demand the creation of favorable conditions for professional activity (the possibility of continuous professional development, methodical day, own study, independent planning of working time at school and outside it); 7) expect an objective assessment of their work based on the following criteria: compliance of professional qualifications with qualification requirements; responsibility for the quality of tasks and responsibilities; creativity and skill in organizing activities.

The deputy director of educational work must: 1) protect the health, interests and rights of children; 2) know the regulatory documents of higher education authorities; 3) know the basics of management, economics and sociology, pedagogy, pedagogical technology, psychology, hygiene and physiology of children, theory and methods of education, rules and norms of labor protection, safety engineering; 4) provide methodological assistance to educators, parents, student assets in the organization of educational work; 5) to involve parents and the public in its conduct; 6) to maintain links of the school with out-of-school institutions, enterprises, organizations and creative teams for the implementation of joint activities for the education of students; 7) to contribute to the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate at school, cooperative relations and goodwill in the pedagogical and student groups; 8) to regulate the work of circles, clubs and other children's associations, to coordinate their activities; 9) to direct the creation and functioning of a creative laboratory for educational work (a methodical complex of materials on the organization of activities).


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work