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Section I. The formation of value relationships in nature as the common home of mankind


Nature as all things, the whole world in the diversity of its forms; Universe.

Table 1

Social areas and roles: Family Man, carrier, custodian and creator of family traditions, ready to play the role of continuer of the clan.

The content of education: Awareness of being a representative of a certain sex, a carrier of a male or female element.

Understanding and experiencing their importance as a full member to play the role of continuer of the family, family, mastering and forecasting as the family roles mature, the ability to be a good son (daughter, brother, sister, grandson, granddaughter), etc.

The ability to accept loved ones as they are, to show tolerance for the shortcomings of loved ones, to love them.

The need to preserve family relationships, family values; knowledge of functional responsibilities in the family, the experience of caring for loved ones, self-care skills, budget allocation, leisure time.

Social areas and roles: A member of a child, adolescent, youth community that owns a culture of interpersonal relationships, ready to exercise and protect their rights and interests among peers and adults, able to cooperate in group and collective forms, to show care and mercy towards others to people.

The content of education: Culture of interpersonal relations and joint activities.

Experience in the realization of their interests in group and collective work.

Experience of participation in self-government activities, the development of democratic forms of behavior.

The need and ability to take care of other people.

Mastering social roles and positions.

The ability to protect their rights and interests, as well as the rights and interests of other people in their community.

Social areas and roles: Pupil, pupil of a school, gymnasium, lyceum, etc., familiar with the history of his school, with the specifics of its educational system, developing its traditions, actively participating in determining the prospects of its development, owning the culture of mental labor.

The content of education: The need for knowledge, the ability to learn, the ability to self-education, the culture of information interaction with the world.

Interest at least in one of the areas of human culture, readiness to study it in depth.

The pride of their educational institution is a sense of personal involvement in it, knowledge of its history, features of the training system, rights and obligations laid down in the charter, the desire to follow them.

The feeling of coziness, comfort in the school walls.

The desire to be an active member of the “school fraternity”, committed to the traditions of the educational institution, to take care of it, making a real contribution to the livelihoods of the educational system.

The ability to be a student, respect for the experience and knowledge of elders, the desire to transfer their knowledge and experience to those who need help from a more knowledgeable person.

Social areas and roles: The patriot of his city, who treat him with love, knows and supports his historical and cultural traditions, applies his strength to his development and prosperity.

The content of education: Interaction with the city (village), which forms children's ideas about the world.

Development of emotional value orientations in pupils through understanding the history and culture of their city (village).

Social adaptation of schoolchildren, assistance in the development and transformation of society, the formation of the image of their city (village).

Social areas and roles: Russian, a citizen of his homeland, respecting his laws, recognizing the mutual responsibility of the individual and society, ready to work for the good and prosperity of this society, able to integrate into European and world culture, without losing national identity.

The content of education: Awareness of involvement in the fate of the Fatherland, its past, present, future.

Preservation of national identity, maintaining a sense of national pride, national identity, combined with an understanding of the place and role of their people and country in the development of world culture.

Knowledge and widespread use of their civil rights and conscientious fulfillment of civil duties.

Responsibility for the preservation of the spiritual, industrial, scientific, cultural potential of Russia.

Formation of a conscious attitude towards state policy, taking into account the ban on political organizations in the school and the teacher’s propaganda of their political views.

Orientation in the economic structure and policy of the state, search for forms of labor and business activities that are available depending on age.

Social spheres and roles: A man of the world, called to solve personal, social, production problems in the XXI century, a carrier of global thinking, feeling himself a citizen of the world.

The content of education: Formation of the planetary, global thinking, the integrity of the perception of the world and man as an integral part and the highest value; feelings of personal responsibility for solving global issues concerning every inhabitant of the Earth.

Formation of environmental behavior that ensures the preservation of nature and man on Earth.

Awakening interest in environmental issues based on the ability to communicate with nature, to understand the patterns of its development.

Formation of knowledge about oneself as a natural being, the presentation of a holistic picture of the world and its place in it.

Education in the spirit of non-violence, aimed at establishing humanistic relations between people.

Formation of ideas about the value-meaning equality of people as members of a single human community.

Training in cooperation and dialogue at the level of interaction of individuals, carriers of various views and concepts, various national groups, different cultures.

Fostering respect for the rights and freedoms of other people, awareness and realization of their rights and obligations as a citizen of the Earth and their country, internal rejection of any form of violence and disrespect for a person.

Acquaintance with the methods of social and psychological protection of a person in situations of social tension and conflict, learning to reflect on one’s own behavior and relationships with other people.

Social areas and roles: Creator Man, aware of and realizing his creative individuality and self-worth.

The content of education: Awareness of the personality of its uniqueness with the adequacy of self-esteem, the ability to look at themselves from the outside, the ability to reflexion, self-diagnosis, self-esteem.

Developing a range of life values ​​from the standpoint of humanism, responsibility to oneself and others for the choice of a life path.

The development of autonomy and creativity thinking, the formation of cognitive characteristics that provide freedom of orientation in various life situations.

Development and improvement of individual channels and ways of perceiving the world, mastering the internal resources of physical, mental, moral self-improvement.

Disclosure of creative potential and abilities, mastering creative forms of self-expression in all spheres of life.

Nature as a set of natural conditions of human life, the environment of its habitat.

Wildlife: flora and fauna, a collection of representatives of flora and fauna. Inanimate nature. Communication of the living and nonliving.

The unity and harmony of nature. The life of nature as a symphony of life: the consonance of the diverse voices of nature; consonance of opposite melodies of the elements; combination of controversial.

Integrity and intermittency of nature; single circle of life; the relationship of all that exists; communication failure as the cause of the death of a natural phenomenon.

Eternity and the ultimate nature. Seasons as a rhythmic form of life limit.

The interaction of man and nature: nature as a source of human existence; protection of man from the elements; human adaptation to natural phenomena; use of natural raw materials; the use of gifts of nature as a means of livelihood; the cultivation of nature.

Wildlife and domesticated nature. Wild and cultivated plants; wild and domestic animals.

Human communication with nature; "Humanization of nature"; therapeutic effects of nature on humans; the ability of man to the perception of nature, the beauty of nature; laws of beauty, learned by man in the process of studying nature; rhythm, harmony of colors, proportional ratio, compositional center as simple foundations of beauty.

The conjugation of the life of nature and the life of man in the civilized world. Environmental problems. The participation of each person in solving environmental problems.

Man’s concern for nature: the ability to protect, protect, increase its wealth. Attitude to nature as a condition of human life on Earth.

Man as a product of nature; general patterns of nature during the life of a person.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work