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1.3. Self-education as the goal and result of education


The main goal and the result of the educational impact on the individual is self-education - conscious, purposeful human activity to improve their positive qualities and overcome negative ones. Self-education is a relatively independent process, the driving forces of which are contradictions: a) between the requirements imposed on students and their actual behavior; b) between the desire to change oneself and the inability to work on oneself because of insufficient exactingness towards oneself, weakness of willpower, and ignorance of the method of self-education.

Because of this, self-education largely depends on the psychological and pedagogical training of students to work on themselves. The basis of self-education is a volitional component. Only the ability to display volitional efforts allows children to form the necessary qualities in themselves, adjusting their habits, attitudes, actions.

In self-education as a process of working on yourself a number of stages can be traced.

1. Motivational. At this stage, the student should have a need to work on himself. It is important to understand the significance of the effort. It is necessary to consider the formation of motives of self-education as a continuously realized pedagogical task. The effectiveness of self-education to a certain extent depends on how well students realize the prospects for their growth and experience the joy of their success.

2. Software. At this stage, the program of self-education, the sequence of work on self-improvement are determined.

3. Search. Children tend to try themselves in a particular area, to ensure the correctness of their actions.

4. Reflexive [1] . At this stage, self-development is assessed, new tasks and ways to solve them are being designed.

Thus, self-education requires the knowledge of the person himself, adequate self-esteem and volitional efforts aimed at changing certain personality traits. However, it should be remembered that it can not change the features given to man by nature.

Pedagogical stimulation of self-education is a conscious use by the subjects of education of various stimuli and consists in their expedient selection, modification, and their inclusion in this process, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the pupils and the specific situation. In this case, the teacher must take into account the previous experience of children, including the experience of work on themselves.

The effectiveness of stimulating self-education of students is determined by how much they are aware of their growth prospects and experience the joy of success. But we should not forget that the work on oneself is associated with considerable difficulties, it requires a great deal of mental tension, physical strength and nervous energy.

Due to insufficient psychological and practical preparedness to work on themselves and the lack of experience in this, many students do not feel any significant success in self-education, they often experience breakdowns and experience failures that, repeating, become sustainable. As a result, the situation of waiting for the joy of success is replaced by disappointment, which leads to passivity, loss of interest in self-education, his episodic or even inaction. It may be observed and wrong with the pedagogical point of view of behavior. Without the possibility of self-realization in socially approved activities, the student finds easier, more often asocial, ways of self-affirmation.

The subject of self-education is the child himself, and the subjects of stimulating this process can be all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents, comrades, etc. For the teacher, the task of encouraging self-education of children should be included in the set of tasks of the educational work conducted by him.

Practice convinces: the more fully and better students are involved in various activities, the more often they take the initiative in planning, preparing and implementing them, summarizing, monitoring, correcting - the higher the efficiency of self-education. If the student acts as an active organizer and participant in the activity, then as a result an active, active person is formed. And on the contrary, in case of improper organization of activity, when the child remains a passive performer or an indifferent participant, corresponding qualities are formed in him.

The effectiveness of stimulating self-education depends on the diversity of the means and methods used and on the adequacy of the students' reaction to them. Practice shows that the best result is achieved where teachers apply a well-thought-out system of means and methods to stimulate self-education.

The most important means and stimulus of self-education is the communication of students: the wider and smarter it is, the more effective their self-education is. First of all, the circle of friends is determined by the parents, the closest family environment of the child, then he begins to expand gradually (peers in the yard, kindergarten, teachers, classmates, teachers, etc.). A significant impact on the formation of students, especially during school years, has their communication with teachers. If it acquires an authoritarian character on the part of adults, this negatively affects students, suppresses their initiative, activity, and independence. Therefore, much in stimulating self-education depends on the right relationship with fellow practitioners, teachers, and parents. When stimulating self-education, it is necessary to take into account that at all age stages of personality development the influence of friends and peers on it is especially great.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work