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Section V. Formation of a lifestyle worthy of a Man


Civilization as an aggregate of material values ​​and means of human existence. Forming attitudes to material values. “Humanization” as a view of an object from the standpoint of human life. Care for the safety of material values ​​as a concern for the welfare of man.

Good as a general category, reflecting the laws of human life, ensuring the security of each person. Good is all that is good for another. Attention to the “other” as the initial basis for living according to the laws of good. The creation of good as creativity. Individual behavior according to the laws of good.

Truth as a general category, reflecting the law of human life. Life is like a search for truth. Knowledge as a constant of human life. Science as the infinite discovery of truth. Attitude towards science as a value. The book as a symbol of truth and reason. Scientific truth and "vulgar" common sense.

Orientation to truth as a way to freedom. Freedom as a characteristic of a decent life.

Beauty in a person's life. Beauty that helps to love life.

Beauty of nature. The beauty of things and objects. The beauty of man. The beauty of a human face ("portraits of beauty"). The beauty of human movements. Beauty as a characteristic of human actions. Beauty as a product of human activity. Activities on the laws of beauty. Change of reality as the pursuit of beauty.

Male beauty and female beauty. The beauty of childhood, adolescence, maturity, old age. Man as the creator of his appearance.

The ability to see and create beauty. The atmosphere of beauty in school, family, city, village. Good, Truth and Beauty as a characteristic of a life worthy of a Man. The relativity of these concepts and the infinity of human aspirations to the perfection of life.

Development of the ability to assess their own lives and activities from the perspective of Good, Truth, Beauty. A worthy and unworthy life as antipodes: a wide palette of a decent life; variety of types of unworthy existence.

Good, Truth and Beauty in the relationship between men and women: the universal aspect, the sexual aspect. The ideal of a man and the ideal of a woman: historical, social, psychological, aesthetic, physical representations.


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