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1.4. Theory and methods of education as a section of pedagogy


Education as a pedagogical phenomenon (educational process) is studied in the framework of the course “Theory and methods of education”, which serves as a section of general pedagogy.

The subject of the theory and methods of education are the laws and principles of education, its goals, content, methods, forms, means and results.

The tasks of the theory and methods of education consist in: a) describing and explaining the educational process and the conditions for its effective implementation in various types of educational institutions; b) the development of a better organization of the educational process, new educational systems and technologies.

Like any scientific discipline, the theory and methodology of education operates with certain conceptual apparatus, in which there are three types of categories:

1) general scientific concepts included in the theory and methodology of education from other disciplines: philosophy (communication, general and individual, essence and phenomenon, contradiction, cause and effect, possibility and reality, quantity and quality, form and content); psychology (formation, development, communication, activity, play, character, temperament, abilities, makings, heredity, etc.); cybernetics (feedback, dynamic system); sociology (socialization, environment, social institutions, collective, reference group, public opinion), etc .;

2) general pedagogical concepts: pedagogy, education, training, pedagogical activity, holistic pedagogical process;

3) specific concepts of the theory and methodology of education: educational work, educational system, educational event, collective creative education, pedagogical interaction, educational method, form of educational work, educational method, educational means, educator, pupil, educational situation, educational effect, etc. d.

The widest category of the theory and methodology of education is the concept of “educational process”, which includes both a purposeful impact on the emerging personality and its active counter self-movement (self-education and self-development).

Component of the educational process is educational work - specially organized pedagogical activity, covering extracurricular time within the educational process and aimed at the formation of certain personality traits in pupils.

Educational work includes the implementation of a set of organizational and pedagogical tasks that are solved by the teacher in order to ensure the optimal development of the student’s personality, as well as the choice of forms and methods of education in accordance with the tasks set and the process of their implementation. This work involves the organization of joint activities of teachers and pupils and also provides for the regulation of relations of social institutions that have a significant impact on the child. In this regard, in educational work it is customary to distinguish three groups of functions.

The first group of functions of educational work is associated with the direct influence of a teacher on a student and includes: a) the study of the individual characteristics of its development, environment, interests; b) programming educational effects; c) implementation of a complex of methods and forms of individual work with a student; d) analysis of the effectiveness of educational influences.

The second group of functions is associated with the creation of an educational environment and includes: a) rallying the team and creating a favorable emotional atmosphere; b) the involvement of students in various types of socially useful activities; c) the development of children's self-government.

The third group of functions is aimed at streamlining the influence of subjects interacting in the course of the educational process and covering: a) coordination of family and school activities; b) interaction with the teaching staff; c) correction of the impact of the media; d) neutralization of negative impacts of society; e) interaction with other educational institutions.

In the educational work carried out by the teacher, the main place is occupied by organizational activity, in which he realizes the whole range of relevant functions (goal setting, planning, coordination, efficiency analysis, etc.).


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work