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4.1. The concept of the purpose of education


The goal is a conscious, expressed in words anticipation of the future result of pedagogical activity. The goal is also understood as a formal description of the final state given by any system. The goal of education is that which education aspires to as an ideal image of the future, a peculiar guide, towards which all educational efforts are directed. The concept of goal is a central category of education, subordinating the content, organization, forms and methods of the educational process.

It is customary to distinguish between general and individual goals of education. The purpose of education appears as a common when it expresses the qualities that should be formed in all people, and as an individual when education of a certain (separate) person is assumed.

The overall goal of upbringing, which is the so-called social order, expresses the historically urgent need for the upcoming generation of society to prepare the younger generation to perform certain public functions. It is usually regarded as a goal-ideal, reflecting in itself philosophical, economic, political, moral, legal, aesthetic, biological ideas about the perfect (harmoniously developed) person and his purpose in the life of society.

The individual goal of education is distinguished by the fact that each person is unique and inimitable, his own capabilities, aspirations, and his own line of development are characteristic of him. But at the same time he is a member of society, depends on the state of society, obeys social laws, requirements and standards. Therefore, a prerequisite for the formulation and achievement of the goal of education is a harmonious combination of common and individual goals.

The purpose of education contains moral, aesthetic and cultural-educational personality characteristics, which is expressed in the following:

• from the point of view of morality, the ideal person is the bearer of universal norms of morality and high spiritual values;

• as a sovereign person, he is guided by high moral principles, is free from external influences and considerations of profit in his choice of behavior;

• in public life, he strives for creative self-affirmation and self-expression, the creation of a material and spiritual good;

• he cares about the environmental integrity of nature, cultural development, moral purity and unity of society;

• he is irreconcilable to evil in all its manifestations (war, bloodshed, national discord, crime, human violence, social injustice, inequality between people, etc.).

In contrast to the abstract ideal, the goal of education is to form a real, civilly stable personality, capable of making a tangible contribution to the improvement of social life and itself. This is achieved by the fullest development of its essential spiritual and physical strength, abilities, talents and talents.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work