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6.1. The concept of methods of education. Their classifications


Methods of upbringing are the paths of the interrelated activity of a teacher and pupils aimed at achieving the goals of upbringing. Experience shows that the interaction of the educator with the upbringing can be carried out in different ways, in particular by:

• direct influence on students (persuasion, moralizing, demand, order, threat, punishment, encouragement, personal example, authority, request, advice);

• creating special conditions, situations and circumstances that encourage the pupil to change their own attitude to something, to express their position, to carry out an act, to show character;

• use of public opinion (reference group for a pupil of a group or team - school, student, professional), as well as the opinion of a person who is significant to him;

• joint activities of the teacher and the pupil (through communication and work);

• learning or self-education, transmission of information or social experience carried out in the family circle, in the process of interpersonal or professional communication;

• immersion into the world of folk traditions and folklore, reading fiction.

The variety of forms of interaction between the teacher and the students determines the variety of methods of education and the complexity of their classification. In the system of methods of education there are several classifications allocated for various reasons.

1. By the nature of the impact on the personality of the pupil:

a) persuasion, b) exercise, c) encouragement, d) punishment.

2. According to the source of influence on the personality of the pupil: a) verbal; b) problem-situational; c) methods of training and exercise; d) incentive methods; e) braking methods; e) management practices; g) self-education methods.

3. According to the results of the impact on the personality of the pupil, the following methods are distinguished: a) influencing moral principles, motives, attitudes, forming ideas, concepts, ideas; b) influencing habits that determine the type of behavior.

4. According to the direction of influence on the personality of the pupil, the methods of education are divided into: a) forming the world view and exchanging information;

b) organizing activities and stimulating motives of behavior; c) providing assistance to pupils and aimed at assessing their actions.

5. Binary methods that involve the allocation of pairs of methods of "education - self-education." These are methods of influence: a) on the intellectual sphere (persuasion - self-conviction); b) the motivational sphere (stimulation (encouragement and punishment) - motivation); c) the emotional sphere (suggestion - self-suggestion); d) volitional sphere (the requirement is an exercise); e) self-regulation sphere (behavior correction - self-correction); e) the subject-practical sphere (educating situations - social tests); g) existential sphere (dilemma method - reflection).

The most optimal is the classification of methods of education, allocated on the basis of a complex impact on the personality of the pupil and including methods: 1) formation of the consciousness of the individual; 2) the organization of activities and experience of social behavior; 3) stimulate the behavior of the individual.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work