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2.3. Scientific approaches as a methodological basis of education


Scientific approaches as methodological foundations of education determine the strategy for solving actual educational problems not only from the standpoint of pedagogical aspects, but also in the context of a broader philosophical consideration of them. In modern pedagogy, the most significant scientific approaches are axiological, activity, personal, systemic, holistic.

Axiological approach to education stands out based on the fact that axiology (from Greek axia - value and logos - teaching) - the philosophical theory of the nature of values, their place in reality and the structure of the value world - can be considered as a methodological basis of education, since introducing an emerging personality into the world of values ​​and assisting it in choosing a personally significant system of value orientations.

In the generally accepted meaning, the key category of axiology - “values” - is understood as specifically social definitions of objects of the surrounding world, revealing their positive or negative significance for people and society, which is why only positively significant properties, events and phenomena are included in the values. Thanks to the value orientations, a person makes his life meaningful by determining: a) what he gives to life (life values); b) what he takes from life (the value of experiences); c) what is his purpose, which he is unable to change (the values ​​of the relationship).

Thus, in the most general form, the process of developing value orientations can be represented as an expanding living space in which a person builds a certain trajectory of his movement, complying with the values ​​of self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-development, and also based on the fact that the goal of modern education is the formation of people able to build a new society and live in it.

The activity approach to education is distinguished by the fact that activity as a transformation of reality by people serves as the basis, means and decisive condition for the development of personality (L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Halperin, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, N. F. Talyzina, and others). Therefore, in order to prepare pupils for independent living, it is necessary to the extent possible to involve them in various types of socially and morally significant activities.

The recognition that the personality is manifested and formed in the activity is not yet the realization of the activity approach in education. It requires special work on the formation of the child’s activity, his transfer to the position of a subject of knowledge, labor and communication. The main task here is to maximize the full use of the developmental possibilities of educational, cognitive and socially useful activities, which constitutes the path to the active formation of personality through activity. This, in turn, requires that the teacher trains the pupils in goal-setting and planning activities, their organization and regulation, control, self-analysis and evaluation of performance results.

The personal approach to education is based on the provisions that emerged in Russian pedagogy thanks to the work of Russian teachers and psychologists (B. G. Ananiev, K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, M. Ya. Basov, L. S. Vygotsky, P. P. Kapterev, A. N. Leont'ev, A. V. Petrovsky, S. L. Rubinstein, and others. In their research, the personality is considered as an active subject of its own formation and development.

The implementation of a personal approach to the educational process implies the observance of the following conditions: 1) the pupil’s personality is at the center of the educational process, that is, the educational process is anthropocentric in terms of the goals, content and forms of organization; 2) the organization of the educational process is based on the subject-subject relationship of its participants, implying equal cooperation and mutual understanding of the teacher and pupils on the basis of dialogue communication; 3) the educational process involves the cooperation of the pupils themselves in solving educational problems; 4) the educational process provides each individual the opportunity to individually perceive the world, creatively transform it, make extensive use of subject experience in interpreting and evaluating facts, phenomena, events of the surrounding reality based on personally significant values ​​and internal attitudes; 5) the task of the teacher is to facilitate, that is, to stimulate, support, enhance the internal reserves of personal development.

At the heart of a systematic approach to education is the concept of "system" in which all the elements that make up the integrity, work on the ultimate goal - the formation of a harmonious personality. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the literature allows to identify the main components of any pedagogical system: 1) the objectives of educational activities; 2) pupils acting as subject-objects; 3) teachers and other persons involved in the pedagogical process; 4) the content of the pedagogical process; 5) pedagogical technologies; 6) the results of teaching.

The value of a systematic approach to education is that it allows you to take into account the following pattern: the factors influencing the effectiveness of the educational process are closely interrelated and arise under certain, specially created conditions. This makes it possible to predict the nature and results of the functioning of the educational process, to find the best ways and means in its organization and conduct.

A holistic approach to education is distinguished by the fact that a person, according to A. S. Makarenko, “is not formed in parts.” To achieve this, it is necessary that during the educational process the personality itself is understood as integrity, as a complex mental system, which has its own structure, functions and internal structure. A holistic approach requires the organization of the educational process to focus on integrative (holistic) characteristics, which are commonly called the basic bases of the individual. These basic foundations are formed in the process of gradual generalization of life experience by a person and represent the unity of the three main spheres of human existence: activity, consciousness and personal relationships. All the basic bases of the personality are closely connected with each other and interact with each other.

Thus, a holistic approach focuses the educational process on the selection of system-forming links in the developing personality; to study and form what is sustainable and what is variable; what serves as the main and what is of secondary importance. A holistic approach involves finding out the contribution of individual components (processes) to the development of the individual as a whole.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work