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6.6. The concept of methods of education


Methods of upbringing are an integral part of the methods of upbringing, that is, pedagogically shaped actions through which external influences affect the child’s views, motives, and behavior. As a result of these impacts, the reserve capabilities of the pupil are activated, and he begins to act in a certain way.

There are various classifications of methods of education. The proposed option is based on the methods, with the help of the teacher seeking changes in relationships with students and others.

The first group of receptions is related to the organization of activities and communication of children in the classroom. These include the following techniques.

“Relay”. The teacher organizes activities so that students from different groups interact in the course of the activity.

“Mutual Aid”. Activities are organized in such a way that the success of a jointly organized case depends on the help of the children to each other.

“Focus on the best.” The teacher in conversation with children tries to emphasize the best features of each of them. Moreover, his assessment should be objective and based on concrete facts.

"Breaking stereotypes." During the conversation, the teacher seeks to bring to the mind of children that the majority opinion is not always correct. You can start such a conversation with an analysis of how often the hall makes mistakes, prompting the player to answer during the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”.

"Stories about yourself." This technique is used when the teacher wants the children to get more information about each other and better understand each other. Everyone can write a story about themselves and ask friends to play it as a small play.

"Communicate by the rules." For the period of performance of the creative task, rules are established that regulate the communication and behavior of students and determine the order in which, taking into account the requirements, proposals can be made, supplemented, criticized, and refuted by the opinion of the comrades. Such regulations largely remove the negative aspects of communication, protect the "status" of all its participants.

“General opinion”. Students speak on the topic of relationships with different groups of people along the chain: some begin, others continue, complement, clarify. From simple judgments (when the main thing is the very participation in the discussion of each student) is transferred to analytical, and then to problematic statements through the introduction of appropriate restrictions (requirements).

“Position correction”. This technique involves a tactful change in the views of students, adopted roles, images that reduce the productivity of communication with other children and prevent the emergence of negative behavior (a reminder of similar situations, a return to the original thoughts, a question-tip, etc.).

“Equitable Distribution”. This technique involves the creation of equal conditions for the initiative of all students. It is applicable to the situation of “crushed” initiative, when aggressive speeches and attacks by some children quench the initiative and the desire to communicate with others. The main thing here is to achieve a balanced distribution of the initiative among representatives of all groups of students.

“Mise en scene”. The essence of the technique is to enhance communication and change its character by arranging students in the class in a certain combination with each other at different stages of the teacher’s assignment.

The second group of techniques is related to the organization of the dialogue between the teacher and the child, contributing to the formation of the student's attitude to any significant problem. In the framework of such a dialogue, the following techniques can be used.

“Role mask”. Children are invited to enter the role of another person and speak not from his own, but from his face.

“Forecasting the development of the situation”. During the conversation, the teacher offers to suggest how this or that conflict situation could develop. At the same time, an indirect search for a way out of the current situation is conducted.

"Improvisation on a free topic." Students choose a topic in which they are strongest and which causes them a certain interest, transfer events to new conditions, interpret the meaning of what is happening in their own way, etc.

“Outcropping contradictions”. The positions of students on a particular issue are delimited in the process of performing a creative task with the subsequent collision of conflicting judgments, points of view about the relations of various groups of people. Admission implies a clear limitation of differences of opinion, the designation of the main lines along which the discussion should proceed.

"Counter Issues". Students, divided into groups, prepare each other a certain number of counter questions. The questions posed and the answers to them are then subject to collective discussion.

When using pedagogical techniques, the teacher needs to focus on personal example, changing the situation, turning to independent experts, etc. During the educational process, the teacher can use an infinite number of pedagogical techniques, since new educational situations give rise to new techniques. Each teacher has the right to use those techniques that correspond to his individual style of professional activity, character, temperament, life and teaching experience.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work