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5.2. Traditional parenting program


The traditional education program has been operating in local schools since the 1970s. It is based on the program “Approximate Content of the Education of Schoolchildren,” developed by the creative team under the guidance of I. S. Marienko. In this program, the content of education is correlated with different areas of educational work, among which are mental, moral, labor, physical and aesthetic education. At the present stage, the program is supplemented with new areas of educational work - this is civil, legal, economic, and environmental education.

Mental education is focused on the development of human intellectual abilities, interest in the knowledge of the world and themselves. Its main tasks are: a) the formation of a humanistic worldview; b) the development of willpower, memory and thinking as the basic conditions of the cognitive and educational processes; c) the formation of a culture of educational and intellectual labor; d) stimulating interest in working with a book and new information technologies; e) development of personal qualities - independence, breadth of horizons, ability to work.

The tasks and content of the moral (ethical) education of the younger generation are determined by the moral and moral requirements of society. In the written tradition of humanity, the basic tenets of human moral behavior were presented in the Sacred Books (for example, in the Bible and the Koran). The main objectives of ethical education are: a) the accumulation of moral experience and knowledge about the rules of social behavior (in the family, on the street, in school and other public places); b) reasonable use of free time; c) the development of the moral qualities of the individual - attentive and caring attitude to people; honesty, tolerance, modesty and delicacy; organization, discipline and responsibility; sense of duty and honor; respect for human dignity; diligence and work culture; respect national wealth.

Labor education is the process of engaging students in a variety of pedagogically organized, socially approved activities in order to transfer to them a minimum of work experience, labor skills and abilities, and develop their creative, practical thinking and diligence. The main task of labor education is career guidance work aimed at the development and preparation of a conscientious, responsible and creative attitude of an emerging personality to different types of work, the accumulation of professional experience as a condition for performing the most important duties of a person.

Labor education is intended to: a) instill respect for working people in schoolchildren; b) to acquaint them with the basics of modern industrial and agricultural production, work in construction, in transport, in the service sector; c) induce a conscious choice of profession.

Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a creatively active person, capable of perceiving, feeling and appreciating the beautiful, tragic, comic, ugly in life and art, living and creating “according to the laws of beauty”. His goal is the development of an aesthetic attitude towards reality, which implies the ability for emotional perception of the beautiful. Such a perception can manifest itself not only in relation to nature or a work of art - a person is obliged to bring the beautiful into his life and the lives of those around him, into everyday life, professional activities and the social landscape. The means of aesthetic education are the surrounding life, nature, art in its various manifestations (music, painting, literature, cinema, theater, etc.).

Physical education is the process of incorporating the younger generation into various forms of physical culture, sports, and military applied activities. The goal of physical education is the harmonious development of the body in close organic unity with mental, labor, emotional, moral and aesthetic education.

The main objectives of physical education: a) proper physical development; b) training of motor skills and vestibular apparatus; c) hardening of the body; d) education of willpower and character, aimed at improving human efficiency.

Civil education involves the formation of a person responsible attitude to the family, other people, to his people and the Fatherland. A citizen must not only comply with the laws, but also conscientiously fulfill his professional duties, contribute to the prosperity of the country.

Economic education is a system of measures aimed at the development of a person’s economic thinking on the scale of a family, production, the whole country, as well as the formation of business qualities (thrift, enterprise, calculus) and the accumulation of knowledge about property, economic systems, economic profitability, taxation.

Ecological education is based on the understanding of the enduring value of nature and all life on earth. It orients people to respect for nature, its resources and minerals, flora and fauna. Each person should take part in the prevention of environmental disaster.

Legal education implies the knowledge of one’s rights and obligations and the responsibility for their non-observance, the formation of a respectful attitude towards legislation and human rights and a critical attitude towards those who transgress the law.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work